发表于 18-11-2009 20:19:55|来自:新加坡
CRA has informed that the Statutory Declaration Form is no longer required for the interview. Hence you do not need to complete it anymore. Instead, you will be required to sign a declaration, affirming that all statements and information provided in your Abridged Personal History Disclosure Form or Personal History Disclosure Form are true in front of the CRA officers as part of the interview session.
However, you will still need to complete the Personal Release Authorisation Form and provide all other supporting documents mentioned in the CRA’s Application Guide in preparation for the CRA interview.
We have also prepared an Instruction Guide to assist you on the completion of the Personal Release Authorisation Form and some reference resources to aid in your preparation of the other supporting documents.
Please note that you are to complete and prepare the required supporting documents in the format required by CRA at your soonest possible as CRA will be commencing their interviews with the applicants soon.
To download the forms and guides, click on the following links:
Personal Release Authorisation Form (to be completed in hardcopy): http://careers.marinabaysands.co ... ease_Authorisation_(Special_Employee_Licence).pdf
Application Guide: http://careers.marinabaysands.com/cra_forms/Application_Guide.pdf
Instruction Guide: http://careers.marinabaysands.co ... ide_SDF_and_PRA.doc
Should you need assistance for the storing of supporting documents in CD-ROM, please refer to Section B(2) of the Instruction Guide for details. |