精精妈 LV10
发表于 22-4-2010 10:26:38
回复 8# 蕾lei
Renew 女佣的准证非常方便。不需要通过中介的。你可以直接上人力部网站http://www.mom.gov.sg/publish/mo ... orkers/renewal.html 查看具体要求和如何申请。
如果要给菲佣放假回乡,也自己办回乡证,就同时给女佣多买一份S$7,000 Performance Bond的保险。
“This refers to your inquiry regarding your household worker’s home leave or going home to the Philippines for a holiday. Please be informed that you need to get for your household worker an Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC):
The requirements for the issuance of OEC are as follows:
1. Valid Authenticated Employment Contract (for household worker).
2. Original passport.
3. Original work permit card.
4. Confirmed two-way ticket (if brought online; just print copy).
5. OWWA membership fee (S$ 42.00 valid for 2 years). This is applied at the same time with OEC. If she has applied for this before and the membership is still valid, the worker only needs to apply for the OEC.
6. OEC Fee – S$ 5.50.
The validity of the OEC is for two (2) months or up to the expiry date of work permit whichever comes first.
If the domestic worker has no Valid Authenticated Employment Contract, the said contract should be processed first. If the worker stayed with the employer for less than two (2) years, the employer must process through a Singapore Employment Agency, which is accredited by the Philippine Embassy. The list can be found in our website www.philippine-embassy.org.sg wherein you can choose from. The selected agencies will process the documents at the embassy.
On the other hand, if the said worker has worked with the employer for a period of two (2) years, they can apply directly at the embassy. These are the requirements:
1. 2 copies of Original Standard Employment Contract (can be downloaded from our website/also available at the embassy). All pages of the contract should be signed by the employer.
2. 2 copies of Original Undertaking of an Employer (can be downloaded from our website/also available at the embassy).
3. 2 copies of worker’s passport (plus 1 copy for passport renewal).
4. 2 copies of worker’s work permit (plus 1 copy for passport renewal).
5. 1 copy of Employer IC.
6. Original copy of S$7,000 Performance Bond from a reputable Insurance Company.
7. 1 copy of S$10,000 Medical Insurance (MOM).
Aside from these requirements, you must pay the following administrative cost in the Embassy:
1. Verification of Contract $20.00
2. Authentication of Contract $42.50
3. OWWA Membership $42.00
4. OEC/Exit Pass $5.50
TOTAL: $110.00
Submission Time: 9:00AM-12:30PM (Sunday – Thursday)
Very truly yours,
Annabella M. Oliveros
Labor Attache |