本帖最后由 aaa9685 于 28-1-2011 11:08 编辑
十二生肖本命守护神是千年以来人们所供奉的护法善神,能使众生逢凶化吉、事业顺利、健康平安、家庭如意, 化解太岁, 辟邪化煞, 招财聚财, 旺贵人运, 事业学业, 去除小人, 亻健康袪病, 化解桃花。一个人若懂得对自己的本命佛诚心信奉,本命守护神的灵体自然旺盛,才能更容易抵档恶灵的侵袭。终身本命守护神就像我们的亲生父母,不管任何时候,都会时刻照顾到我们。哪怕流年太岁来冲犯,本命终生守护神都能帮忙化解当年的太岁冲克,保年年出平安,万事顺, ,身体健康,福星高照,财运亨通。本命佛效果最好 要挑选采用天然玉/天然翡翠/天然水晶 (含宝石协会鉴定证书为标准)。本命佛不分性别可终身佩戴,可以戴在脖子上,也可以放在随身携带的包里。
Avalokitesvara, protector for those born in the year of Rat
The thousand-armed-thousand-eyed Avalokitesvara has the ability to benefit all living being and bless all to have harmonious relationships, wealth, abundance success and fulfillment. “Thousand” means inexhaustibility and perfection.
虚空藏菩萨(梵文音译 Tr-Ah)。又译为虚空孕菩萨。相传此菩萨净戒如山,精进如风;所具有的福慧二藏,无量无边,犹如虚空;因此乃有此名。虚空藏菩萨具有赋予利乐的力量,“虚空”代表广大,“藏”代表无限福慧智能;依《大方等大集经》指出,虚空藏菩萨如同富翁,相应果苦众生,只要到他面前,即会施予救济。
Akasagarbha, protector for those born in the year of Ox & Tiger Akasagarbha is a bodhisattva that kept his vows so purely and was diligent that his merit and wisdom were beyond measure. He is like a wealthy man who helps suffering bejings joyfully and his ability to benefit sentient beings is immeasurable.
Manjushri, protector for those born in the year of Rabbit
Manjushri is a Bodhisattva who symbolizes virtue, uspiciousness and joy. Those born in the year of Rabbit should consecrate and carry with them the jadeite pendant of Manjushri to enhance their wisdom, career and marriage and dispel all obstacles.
普贤菩萨为龙、蛇年生人之守护神 普贤菩萨(梵文音译An),世称为十大愿王。依其名号音译“普”是遍一切处义。“贤”是最妙善义。《法华经》明示,只要能虔诚信奉,普贤菩萨将与诸大菩萨一起出现守护此人,使他身心安称,不受一切烦恼魔障之侵。
Samantabhadra, protector for those born in the year of Dragon & Snake
Samantabhadra also known as king of vows, engages actively in his vows. According to “Sutra Lotus”. Whoever prays to Samantabhadra with faith would be blessed by him and other Great Bodhisattvas. Samantabhadra has the ability to bestow long life due to his great wisdom and merit.