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【找实习】影楼or摄影工作室 looking for internship job

发表于 半年前|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 Lube 于 10-3-2011 04:18 编辑

3月底大眾傳媒(mass communication)high diploma畢業 在念degree之前希望有個實習的機會 提高自己的能力 薪水方面沒有要求畢竟只是想多鍛煉一下
持學生準證 希望找一個攝影工作室 實習並且能夠幫忙辦理TEP(半年) 實習時間從4月-10月+
说白了就是 一个学生单纯想留在新加坡当学徒一年(即使上了degree也是留着当parttime) 薪水真的没有要求 只要一个实习准证和一个学习的机会!:)

作品 如果有facebook 就search [email protected]
QQ 79322977

Training Employment Pass (TEP)

The Training Employment Pass is meant for a foreigner to undergo practical training attachment for jobs of professional, managerial, executive or specialist nature in Singapore. There are no quotas or ceilings for the number of TEPs.
What Are The Criteria?
What Are The Privileges?
What Levies Do I Need To Pay?
Is There A Quota?
Where Do I Apply?

What Are The Criteria?

The monthly basic salary must be more than S$2,500 or the trainee must hold an acceptable tertiary or professional qualification.
For foreign undergraduates on TEP, the training attachment must be part of a degree programme from an acceptable educational instituition.
TEP can also be used by businesses to bring employees from their foreign offices / subsidiaries to Singapore for training.

What Are The Privileges?

There are no dependant privileges for TEP holders.

What Levies Do I Need To Pay?

You do not have to pay Foreign Worker Levy for TEP holders.
You also do not have to pay Skills Development Levy if the gross salary you are paying the foreign student is more than S$2,000 a month.

Is There A Quota?

There are no quotas for TEP holders.

Where Do I Apply?
You need to apply to the Ministry of Manpower (MOM).

Application procedures for Training Employment Pass
Application form for Training Employment Pass

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嗯 不錯 挺好用
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