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楼主: mingtian2

[理财] 如何根除新加坡的贫困现象

发表于 6-11-2013 11:05:30|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
提供公平,公正,公开 致富的途径,或者称为上升通道也行;古人说的好 “授人鱼不如授人渔”
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发表于 6-11-2013 11:35:52|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层

不过,有些传统和习性, MS很难培养.
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发表于 6-11-2013 15:02:32|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mingtian2 于 6-11-2013 15:15 编辑

According to the Department of Statistics, 105,000 families in Singapore are earning on average $1,500 or less per month.  This means that life is a daily struggle for some 387,000 Singapore citizens and permanent residents. After paying utilities, schooling, housing rental or loan instalments and medicals, they are left with about $5 a day for food and transport per family member. How do they do it? Can they? How does it feel to be their shoes? Whatever you think or feel, suspend your disbelief or judgement and find out for yourself!
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发表于 6-11-2013 15:03:44|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
The $5 Challenge is on!

What is it, you ask? We want you to try limiting your food and transport expenses to $5 a day. (It’s time to catch that free MRT ride every morning!)

Why $5?

Figures from the Household Expenditure Survey of 2007/08 show that for households at the bottom fifth of income levels, each member spent 25.9% and 8.8% of his or her total monthly expenditure on food and transport respectively.

According to the Key Household Income Trends for last year, each member of the bottom 10% of households earned an average of $410 per month excluding employer’s CPF contributions. This works out, per person, to about $3.54 per day on food and $1.20 per day on transport. Rounded up this adds up to $5 a day for food and transport.

We're heartened to see some of you committing up to a month to this! Why not challenge your friends or colleagues to do this too? You could do it together -- it's likely be easier!

Take the $5 Challenge here:
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发表于 6-11-2013 19:44:50|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
露露XD 发表于 6-11-2013 09:44

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发表于 6-11-2013 21:30:58|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
露露XD 发表于 6-11-2013 09:44

移民到别人的国家还觉得自己的基因高人一等, TMD搞笑什么心态啊?
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发表于 7-11-2013 01:45:15|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
mingtian2 发表于 6-11-2013 15:03
The $5 Challenge is on!

What is it, you ask? We want you to try limiting your food and transport ex ...


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发表于 7-11-2013 05:54:30|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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