我是kaplan的学生 国际生 我们每年交四十多块的医保 但是从来没用过 也不知道怎么用 学生手册上有写 但是看了不明白 求大神解释
AXA Insurane Singapore Pte Ltd
the coverage consists of:
Group Hospitalisation & Surgical Insurance
1 Annual limit not less than S$30000 per studeng
2 At least B1 ward (in government and restructured hospitals) 这条不明白
3 24hours coverage in Singapore and overseas
4 Pro-ration factors 65% ( private hospital-capped at 2 bedded) 这个也不明白
5 Pre&Post hospitalization Treatment as charged (up to 90 days)
6 Kidney Dialysis & Cancer Outpatient Treatment S$3000