May 16th, 2015 (Saturday) at 8 PM (China Standard Time UTC+08:00), Khenpo Sodargye Rinpoche will be giving an 80-minute live dharma teaching titled Uncover Yourself through Vajrasattva Purification: The Liturgy of The Wish-fulfilling Jewel, for dharma friends across the world with English translation available.
In the following session, at 9:30 PM, another one-hour teaching on Vajrasattva practice will be given in Tibetan by Rinpoche, titled How to Purify your Mind.
Please go to to access the live streaming
北京时间2015年5月16日(下周六)晚20点-21点20分,索达吉堪布将通过网络对海内外佛友做开示,并安排英语同步翻译。主题为“认识自我---《金刚萨埵修法如意宝珠》讲解(Uncover Yourself through Vajrasattva Purification: The Liturgy of The Wish-fulfilling Jewel)”。 届时,索达吉堪布英文官网(、法音频道(和以下“智悲讲堂”房间将同步转播:
1、YY转播房间: 海外开示(频道号:51562382)。
2、新浪show转播房间: 智悲讲堂一(房间号:491755),智悲讲堂二(491338),智悲讲堂六(481969),智悲讲堂九(491337)。
3、网易CC转播房间:智悲讲堂(房间号:1403266)。CC下载与收看方式: (1)电脑版客户端下载: (2)手机版下载: (3)网页版:
愿吉祥! 弘法教务处 2015年5月9日 [attach] [/attach][attach] [/attach]