本帖最后由 xuanyueqi 于 16-7-2016 16:31 编辑
1, 空调:Akira 9000 btuportable Aircon, 五年保质期。15年末购入,一共用了不到七个月,可遥控定时开关,除湿吹风制冷睡眠等模式。S$300,可商。 1, Akira 9000 btu portable Aircon, 9.5/10, ONLY used for 7 months, 5 year warranty!! With remote control and several modes. S$300, negotiable.
2, TOSHIBA冰箱,质量好,静音,制冷效果非常赞。内部空间比超市卖的小冰箱大很多,能塞好多东西。上面有一小隔层为冷冻,可储存冰淇淋或制冰。S$60,可商。 2, TOSHIBA mini fridge, 8/10, very silent, with excellent quality and extremely bigger inner space than other mini fridgessold in supermarkets like Giant. Its top layer is freezing, can be used tostore ice creams. S$60, negotiable.
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