黛妍 LV6
发表于 9-9-2016 21:16:44
本帖最后由 黛妍 于 9-9-2016 23:32 编辑
有些家长提到老师会忘记给学生报名音乐考试。 其实15岁以上的监护人父母,老师都可以报名。责任是告诉学生考试日期,号码。第一次登陆是以下网址。
过了报名期, 3天内仍然可以用表格报名。
The person who submits the examination entry is the Applicant (parent, guardian or music teacher aged 15 or above.) It is the Applicant's responsibility to be conversant with the regulations and to pass on relevant information to the candidate.
The Applicant is the ABRSM Representative Office's principal point of contact in all matters relating to exam entries and your children/students will be the Candidates who are going to sit for the examinations.
On the first occasion that an entry is made, the Applicant is issued with a personal Applicant Number which should be quoted in all future communications with the ABRSM examinations office.
Online Registration - New Applicant
All ABRSM exam entries will be accepted by online registration only.
For new applicants, please log on to https://onlineforms.abrsm.ac.uk/sg/registrationForm.asp
The next opportunity to apply for a new applicant number will be from XXX
ABRSM will send the applicant number to you via email within 3 working days.
After you have received the applicant number, please log on to https://onlineforms.abrsm.ac.uk/ to retrieve password before you can do an online registration during the registration period.