Find BQT part timer servers. Cash pay $9-$10 per hour.
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招兼职者做晚宴或婚宴服务员(BQT server),工钱按每小时结算,日结。每小时9-10新币。欢迎政府学校16岁以上学生,新加坡人,PR~~~有意者请加微信826816510(备注兼职)或是电话短信联系: 。欢迎大家。
Find part timers for BQT. Only for government school students who are above 16 years old, Singaporean and PR. Cash pay everyday and the pay is $9-$10 per hour. For whose who are interested on it please contact : or add wechat 826816510(pls indicate part timer). thanks. Welcome everyone come and earn extra money.