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[房产] Dbs房贷搭了msig的保险,我可以说不吗

发表于 12-8-2017 07:13:40|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
仔细读了房贷的offer letter,其中有一款说保险公司可以从我账户里扣款,还有一份同意书,我可以不买吗,还是说这属于强制搭售?
发表于 12-8-2017 10:03:52|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层





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发表于 12-8-2017 12:32:14|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
_用心聆听_ 发表于 12-8-2017 10:03

MSIG的这个,可能是保障房子内部装修家 ...

应该是包括了火险和mortgage insurance,问题是这份acceptance是放在我offer letter里的,是不是我一定要签字呢?
不过offer letter里也提到我可以买别的保险,但要得到dbs的同意。

火险我觉得买一些也还行,mortgage insurance我是真不想买,请问我该怎么和banker谈呢,直说吗?我关键是想知道,不买的话银行是否允许,我本身是可以承担不买的后果的。
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发表于 12-8-2017 12:41:21|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
天涯第二牛人 发表于 12-8-2017 12:32
应该是包括了火险和mortgage insurance,问题是这份acceptance是放在我offer letter里的,是不是我一定要 ...




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发表于 12-8-2017 12:50:39|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
_用心聆听_ 发表于 12-8-2017 12:41


You are required to take up insurance of the Property (the ''Property Insurance'') with MSIG
Insurance (Singapore) Pte Ltd (''MSIG''), or any other insurer approved by us, with the scope and
amount of coverage to be determined by us, and which is to take effect from the date of the first
release of the Facility or the date of issue of the TOP, whichever is later.
Unless otherwise stated or agreed between us, the Property Insurance shall be a Mortgage Interest
Policy (''MIP'') or a Houseowner Policy. MIP is required if the Property is governed by the Building
Maintenance and Strata Management Act and is an apartment or unit forming part of an entire
development with the Management Corporation Strata Title (''MCST'') status on the development
having been attained. A Houseowner Policy will be required if the Property does not qualify for an
MIP based on the aforesaid conditions or if the MCST detail is not provided to us.
The insurance premium for the Property Insurance shall be borne by you. We shall be entitled to
debit the insurance premium from your bank account with us until your mortgage of the Property to
us is fully discharged.

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发表于 12-8-2017 13:04:50|来自:新加坡 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
还是买吧, 这个MSIG是负责火险结构的, 目前和银行贷款只有OCBC不强制要求, 但文件里也提到万一出现火灾, 银行有权根据火灾导致的估值下降而要求贷款人提前还贷款到新估值的相应百分比, 不过楼主可以问下自己的保险经纪是否有做该火险, 毕竟银行卖的保险一般到索赔的时候其实都是客户自己和该保险公司联系(因为合作关系不是永久的), 而银行在意的是你要有一份火险而已(保护他的抵押物)
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发表于 12-8-2017 13:09:59|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
小五 发表于 12-8-2017 13:04
还是买吧, 这个MSIG是负责火险结构的, 目前和银行贷款只有OCBC不强制要求, 但文件里也提到万一出现火灾, 银 ...

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发表于 12-8-2017 13:28:22|来自:新加坡 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
天涯第二牛人 发表于 12-8-2017 12:50
You are required to take up insurance of the Property ( ...


Private Residential Property (with MCST)
If your property is a strata-titled development, it is mandatory for your Management Corporation to undertake a master fire insurance policy. The Management Corporation can make a claim on the policy following a property damage and use the insurance proceeds to reinstate the premises and the common area to its original condition. Similarly, this master fire insurance policy does not cover your household contents, personal belongings or any improvements and renovation works that you have made to your apartment.

Mortgage Interest Policy (MIP)
If your property is mortgaged, the bank may require you to take up a fire insurance policy on the outstanding loan. Commonly known as Mortgagee Interest Policy, it is not to be mistaken as a personal property fire insurance. Rather, it is to insure the financial interest of the bank and allows the bank to make a claim if the borrower is unable to service the loan following a property damage. Once the borrower has redeemed his mortgage loan, the Mortgagee Interest Policy will be cancelled.

As a guide, check your home insurance against some of these essential items:

1. Property coverage

    Building structure
    Fixtures & fittings
    Household contents

2. Liability coverage

    Bodily injury
    Third party loss/ damage

These benefit covers are largely featured under MSIG's Enhanced HomePlus policy, with the flexibility given to you to customise the sum insured for the building structure. Premiums start at $118.77 (with GST) per year for a standard plan.
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发表于 12-8-2017 17:33:07|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
_用心聆听_ 发表于 12-8-2017 13:28

Private Residential Property (with MCST)

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