发表于 2-1-2018 22:30:48|来自:新加坡
walterso 发表于 2-1-2018 10:29
图片发不上来, 我找到我适合做什么职业。。。。
Extravert -- 38%
ENTJs often find themselves in occupations that require good analytical and planning skills. ENTJs build successful careers in the areas requiring considerable organizational skills and intellectual efforts, presenting a challenge, and calling for creativity. They are greatly represented in technological and management consulting companies among engineers and developers, and among high- and mid-rank managers. They are also able to realize their potential in start-ups where they often fulfill management positions or take responsibility for the whole project.
Jung Career Indicator™ determines occupations and areas in which ENTJs find themselves most fulfilled and content, are most successful, and likely are most represented in. The following table lists the most suitable areas of occupation for an ENTJ, from personality type standpoint, along with some examples of educational institutions, where you can receive a relevant degree or training. The most preferable areas appear first.
Explore Management Careers
Business Management»
Management of Education»
Military Education»
Explore Social Services Careers»
Explore Technical/Science Careers»
Industrial Management»
Manufacturing Management» |