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WSQ Security Officer courses(保安课程)

发表于 半年前|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
WSQ Security Officer courses
Feel free to contact or whatapps us for more information:
Joan Yang @

Currently work as Security Officer?
You may up your ranking to SSO(Senior Security Officer) -> SS(Security Supervisor) -> SSS(Senior Security Supervisor) -> CSO(Chief Security Officer)

Who should take up the course?
This is a compulsory security training course for anyone who wants to start a career as a Security Officer.
What will you get after attending the course?
You will be able to:
  • This      course is mandatory for anyone seeking to work in the unarmed Security industry.
  • Gain      knowledge and skills to handle security incidents confidently.
  • Be      able to perform guard and patrol services competently.
Course Duration:
40 Hours (Excluding Assessment)
Course Fees:
Able to use Skills Future Credit / PSEA (Post-Secondary Education Account)


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