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解答 什么是 Aulora With Kodenshi


细胞自我再生或自我修复,并改善体内富氧血液的循环, 促进愈合速度。红外线渗透到皮肤约2-7厘米, 因此它能到达肌肉神经甚至骨骼。红外线能在细胞层次上触发一系列的身体代谢反应。

红外线光疗效果的关键是一氧化氮,一种有效的细胞信号分子 有助于放松动脉、对抗自由基,以减少氧化应激. 红外线光疗可以帮助背痛关节炎, 肌肉拉伤, 颈部疼痛, 背痛,类风湿性关节炎、关节疼痛和伤口。

Infrared helps *cells regenerate or repair themselves & improves the circulation* of oxygen-rich blood in the body, promoting faster healing.

Infrared penetrates to the inner layers of the skin at about *2-7 cm deep*. Hence, it reaches the muscles, nerves and even the bones

The light energy *kickstarts a series of metabolic events triggering processes* of the body on a cellular level.

The key to the efficacy of infrared light therapy may be nitric oxide, a potent cell signaling molecule that *helps relax the arteries, battles free radicals to reduce oxidative stress*

Infrared light therapy can helps in *back pain, arthritis,muscle strain, neck pain, back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, joint pain &  wounds*.



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