本帖最后由 Global有机荟 于 8-11-2022 10:25 编辑
什么是有机绿茶,有机绿茶基本功效都那些? 1、有机绿茶就是采用“有机种植法”种植茶树,其产品经检测符合有机食品标准的茶叶。 2、有机绿茶就是指不添加化肥,只采用天然肥料种植而成的绿茶。 3、有机绿茶中含金属、化学残留的几率大大降低。 4、有机绿茶选用有机茶园的细嫩鲜叶,严格按照有机茶叶的生产、加工、保存、包装的技术规范要求生产而成的绿茶。 5、符合国际有机农业运动联合会(IFOAM)标准,经有机(天然)食品认证组织颁证的绿茶产品和再加工制品称为有机绿茶。 6、有机茶是绿色食品饮料,具有清热去腻、明目清正、降压抗癌、防止心血管疾病、具有延年益寿等保健功效和作用。 OGANIC CLUB为广大优质茶叶采购商提供通过中国有机认证,美国有机认证,欧盟有机认证,日本有机认证四种国际有机认证的绿茶,红茶。同时,本企业获得ISO9001、ISO22000、HACCP。期待感兴趣的朋友前来询问。 What is organic green tea and what are the basic effects of organic green tea? 1、Organic green tea is tea planted with "organic planting method" and its products are tested to meet the organic food standards. 2、Organic green tea refers to the green tea grown without adding chemical fertilizers and using only natural fertilizers. 3、The chance of metal and chemical residues in organic green tea is greatly reduced. 4、Organic green tea is made from the tender fresh leaves of organic tea plantations and produced in strict accordance with the technical specifications of organic tea production, processing, preservation and packaging. 5, in line with the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movement (IFOAM) standards, the organic (natural) food certification organization issued by the green tea products and reprocessed products called organic green tea. 6、Organic tea is a green food beverage with health benefits and effects such as clearing heat and grease, clearing the eyes, lowering blood pressure and anti-cancer, preventing cardiovascular diseases, and having a long life. ORGANIC CLUB provides green tea and black tea with four international organic certifications: China organic certification, US organic certification, EU organic certification, and Japanese organic certification for quality tea buyers. At the same time, our company obtained ISO9001, ISO22000, HACCP. we are looking forward to interested parties to inquire.