长期牙龈出血怎么办? 乐乐草本牙膏拥有25年的历史是众多人建议改善牙龈出血的问题。 本草纲目记载着,使用菩提子煮沸的水漱口。 可以有效治疗牙龈炎和牙龈出血等问题。 因此乐乐草本牙膏内含有天然菩提叶成份。 使用后可有效改善牙龈出血的问题。 坚持每天使用,有助于保持牙齿和牙龈的健康。预防蛀牙和让口气更清新。 How should long-term bleeding gums be treated? Derm Derm Herbal Toothpaste has been used for25 years and is highly recommended by many consumers to treat bleeding gums. According to the ancient herbal journalrecorded that use of Bodhical Extract boiling water as mouthwash. It caneffectively treat problems such as gingivitis and bleeding gums. Therefore, Derm Derm Herbal Toothpaste containsnatural bodhi leaf ingredients. After use, it can effectively improve theproblem of bleeding gums. Use daily to help keep your teeth and gumshealthy and prevents cavities and freshens breath. If you require any further information, feel free to contactme at www.atg.sg