本帖最后由 Jenny110 于 4-10-2012 00:10 编辑
达立丽达美姿堂植物软胶囊36粒 俄罗斯出口果酸效果超好哦 正品 近日特价销售 零售50$/ 包!!!!!四袋四个月一个疗程169$!!! 效果怎么样大家有目共睹的! 要的速度联系! 美姿堂植物减肥纯天然 软胶囊 出口俄罗斯装! 100%正品保证 产品质量是网店生存的必须条件 保证正品 美姿堂植物软胶囊.前期效果来的好.更重要的是后期容易控制.服用反映小,美姿堂·植物减肥纯天然软胶囊是专门出口俄罗斯的减肥产品,是针对肥胖人体质研发的纯植物瘦身产品药。由于欧洲人身体强壮,肌肉较多,饮食是以肉类食物为主食,所以需要较强的药效才能达到减肥效果!但还要经过俄罗斯国家卫生组织的鉴定,必须是不含任何违禁成份,特别是对副作用的要求非常严格,所以美姿堂植物减肥纯天然软胶囊是对亚洲人体质效果极强,而且没有副作用,是最安全的健康、安全的减肥选择! 再次提醒亲们: 【服用方法】: 植物健康减肥是全球最流行的减肥方式,本品主要选用千百年来云南傣族族人公认的具有美容减肥功效的天然植物—柯拉果、瓜尔胶、紫药苜蓿等,再根据中国传统医学理论配合苍术、荷叶、黄芪、泽泻、罗布麻叶等十九味名贵中药组成,通过益气、降脂、利湿、活血化瘀等功能,多环节,全方位 全过程综合调整机体功能,达到减肥目的,且不用节食,不易反弹。
1、本品针对减肥的不同阶段,在现代营养学的理论批导下,保障基本正常饮食状态,提倡“吃饱吃好,健康减肥”的原则,做到不厌食、不乏力、不腹泻、不忌口、不节食、不反弹、只减该减部位! 2、柯拉果只减脂肪,保护肌肉和水份,首先减的是腰腹部,使全身细胞获得均衡营养,恢复脂肪细胞代谢,彻底切断减肥反弹的根源;细胞营养技术还能改善新陈代谢,调节内分泌,使您减肥更快速、精力更充沛、皮肤更光泽。 3、瓜尔胶可使胃部平滑肌细胞活化,产生弹性,恢复胃容积正常大小,不易暴饮暴食.而且因脂肪细胞内的脂肪已被燃烧掉,细胞恢复正常大小,代谢也就正常了,脂肪就不易堆积. 4、内含的苍术、紫苏、荷叶、山楂、决明子、泽泻等,通过降低血脂来降低体重,从而避免了抑制食欲,腹泻疲劳等副作用,栀子能促进脂肪的水解;葛根还能使脂肪细胞缩小,减小。 ◆【服用方法】:每天一次,每次一粒(早餐前或后服用) ◆【适宜年龄】:16岁以上,65岁以下 ◆【批准文号】:卫食键字(2002)第0047号 ◆【规 格】:36粒 ◆【生产标准】:GB1749-1997 ◆【生产日期】:见标识 ◆【特别提示】:孕妇勿用,有心血管疾病及中风者慎用 天然植物提取,安全无毒无副作用; 效果迅速;(快速瘦身) 定向瘦身减脂,减腰腹及四肢脂肪容易堆积的部位效果显著。 【适用人群】:适用于成年人想快速减肥及减肥中途失败者,及产后减肥有特效!!!
美姿堂植物减肥软胶囊-出口俄罗斯的说明 Botanical Slimming……Purely natural soft capsule Extracts from plants, being safe without any toxicity, and highly efficacious. Getting slim just on the day when taking it.
This products adopts many kinds of natural plants that possess the function of slimming and keeping nice figure. These plants, such as nice slimming grass, jobstears, tarragon, psyllium shell, hoof bamboo shoot, lotus and etc, are carefully extracted and purified with modern advanced technology for the product whose function theory is as follows:
1. Restrain the activity of lipase in stomach and intestinal canal to enable the fat in the taken food not to be absorbed by the body. This effect is shown in the form of defecate with fat (oil) nature, which means people could excrete the equal quantity of fat as that has been taken.
2. Improve the metabolism and basic metabolism ratio (BMR) of fat, which means to increase the consumption of human body energy. The body fat would be broken up into heat, carbon dioxide and water. This product could not only reduce the redundant fat, but could also supplement many kinds of amino acid and trace element such as copper, iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, zinc and selenium. In the mean while, it can activate body cells and make balance over body microcirculation while eliminating the long-term accumulated toxicity elements. Thus it possesses the unique slimming, toxicity-eliminating and fat-adjusting function.
【Suited age group】 beyond 16 and below 65
【Precaution】 Not applicable for woman in pregnancy and attention should be paid for person with a cardiovascular disease and apoplexy history.
【Product specification】 480mg x 12 capsules x 3 pieces
【Approval code】 WSJZ (2002) No. 0047
【Producing standard】 GB1749-1997
【Usage & Dosage】 1 capsule/time, 1 time/day
【Producer】 Kumin Industry & Trade Co., Ltd
QQ 1043054304