A*STAR下属的通信研究院(I2R)的一个实验室招聘兼职人员,做简单的图片标注,除了视力正常之外,没有其他要求。最好是Singaporean 或者PR,持学生签证者手续可能会麻烦一点(HR那边不能保证肯定能招foreigner)。可以full-time也可以part-time. 希望能够工作1-3个月,如果合适可以延长工作时间。
有意者请联系: [email protected]
The assignment is to use a computer to record the human tracks and features of pedestrians in videos. Candidate needs to have a basic sense of visualization, judgment and focus to accurately record information on videos, and able to work in great patience with a reasonable speed.
Programming experience in MATLAB or C++ is a plus.