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发表于 24-1-2005 22:46:27|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<FONT face=Arial color=black>Love

What does this word “love” mean? Love has been described as the greatest need humans have. From the cradle to the grave, people strive after love, thrive in its warmth, even pine away and die for lack of it. Nonetheless, it is surprisingly difficult to define.

The bible, nevertheless, teaches with clarity about love. It says “Love can be known from the actions it prompts”
In the ancient Greek tongue, there were four words for “love”.

1. A-ga’pe
One bible dictionary calls this “the most powerful word imaginable for love”. And it refers to love that is guided by principle. A-ga’pe often includes warm personal affection.

2. Phi-le o
It means to have affection for, to be fond of, or to like (as one might feel about a close friend or a brother), used often in the Christian Greek Scriptures.

3. Stor-ge
It means close familial love.

4. E’ros
It represents kinda romantic love. It is love between the sexes.


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