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楼主: 夏之海

求购 A level 数学和高数课本,顺便结交今年考A的朋友。。。

发表于 30-4-2005 06:27:22|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>g0219138k</I>在2005-4-27 16:20:51的发言:</B>

<P>subjects u can take in JC:</P>
<P>4 main subjects, max. 3 s papers, project work,general paper,3rd lan</P>
<P>altogether 10 subjects, 11 including CCA</P>
<P>i've tried to appeal for taking 5 subjects, but neither the MOE nor the school</P>
<P>quite a lot ppl r taking s papers, there are about 70% ppl in my school r taking at least 1 s paper, and around 20 r taking 3 s papers. For 3 spapers, MOE permission is required, and u muz obtain at least B3 for general paper in promo.</P></DIV>

你名字是FIN NO.啊~~~经典~~~那来用啊~~[em02]
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