回答|共 12 个

okaylah LV4

发表于 23-5-2005 00:00:10 | 显示全部楼层

<P>Although the purpose of this message board is for members to interact and practise English, I believe basic netiquette or etiquette should be observed. Use of vulgar or offensive language should be avoided (as in one of the messages where the host succinctly expressed his disapproval of the use of the vulgar term '*f...ing'). </P><P>The use of the word 'chick' by the <EM>gentleman</EM> on the tenth storey to refer to the young lady on the ninth is in my opinion, <EM>offensive</EM> and totally uncalled for.</P>

bluecat_ly LV6

发表于 23-5-2005 04:37:55 | 显示全部楼层

strongly support

riko_qiqi LV6

发表于 24-5-2005 15:09:57 | 显示全部楼层

oh oh?
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