看星座学英语:Capricorn people

2005-05-21 · 1037 阅读
<P><A><FONT face="Courier New" color=#0000ff>GENERAL FEATURES: </FONT></A></P>
<FONT face="Courier New" color=#0000ff>Earth sign ruled by Saturn. Capricornians are ambitious, <U>resolute</U>, cold minded, <U>melancholic</U>. Fatigue never makes them afraid, they work hard and are ready to <U>sacrifice</U> themselves, if necessary. They plan patiently and carefully all their objectives and the way to reach them. To achieve their results they are ready to do anything, without asking any help. They are reserved and <U>introverted</U>, but sometimes they live sudden moments of <U>impulsiveness</U>. Their main characteristics are shyness and insecurity which disappear when they realize of being loved and appreciated. Suited jobs are: politician, entrepreneur, insurer, estate agent, banking employee. In love, Capricornians are serious, constant and faithful, but not too effusive.</FONT></A></P>
<P><A><FONT face="Courier New" color=#0000ff>SEDUCING CAPRICORNIAN MEN:</FONT></A><A><FONT face="Courier New" color=#0000ff> Capricornians are ambitious, refined and <U>prudent</U>. Seducing them it's not so easy, but once you have broken their armour, they will be reliable partners for all your life.
TIP: Call him often at his mobile phone.</FONT></A></P>
<P><A><FONT face="Courier New" color=#0000ff>SEDUCING CAPRICORNIAN WOMEN: </FONT></A><A><FONT face="Courier New" color=#0000ff>Capricornian women are wise, strong, reliable, shy, prudent and little <U>effusive</U>. <U>Conquering</U> their trust and making them fall in love is not an easy job. They are demanding, cultured and love those who can make them smile. To <U>discotheques</U> they prefer something <U>unforeseeable</U> and new.
TIP: Give her a ticket to see a match of her favourite team.</FONT></A></P>

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