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A story of giving

发表于 28-5-2005 18:59:55|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<B><I><FONT color=#ff00ff size=6>
<P align=center>A story of giving</P></FONT><FONT color=#ff00ff>
<P align=justify>- A tale of the blind </P></I></FONT><FONT color=#ff00ff size=5>
<P align=justify>*****************************************************</P></FONT><FONT color=#ff00ff>
<P align=justify><IMG src=""></FONT><I><FONT face=Arial color=#00ff00>There are those who have little and give it all.</P>
<P align=justify>It is when you give of yourself that you truly give--- kahlil Gibran</P></I></FONT><FONT color=#ff00ff size=5>
<P align=justify>******************************************************</P></FONT><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" size=3>
<P align=justify>It has been a long day in the oncology unit. After much commotion, Molly’s body was wrapped up with a white cotton sheet before it was sent down to the mortuary. With tears rolling down her cheeks, Molly’s little daughter was running hysterically towards the lift, tearing a bouquet of chrysanthemum to pieces petal by petal along the way. Having been into nursing for years, I have learned to be professional, to be emotional detached in the most appropriate manner. I occupied myself with unfinished documents although I felt sick and empty as if someone had vacuumed everything inside me out. I winced as the image of the many chrysanthemum petals flowing lifelessly unto the ground kept flashing through my mind. </P>
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<P align=justify>"Must catch the MRT and go home now, I’m just too tired," I told myself after work. Quickening my steps, I walked towards the underground passage. I took the elevator down, there were many people rushing towards their various destinations as usual. "The world still goes on even though my patient died, " I sighed.</P></B></FONT>
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<P align=justify>As I walked closer to the tunnel, rich palette of sounds wafted across the crowd and reached my ears.<EM> The melodies were harmonized with a measured ebb and flow. I walked towards the source where the music came from. Behind a shabby electronic keyboard sat the same blind man. For the past 4 years, I walked past him almost every day catching MRT home or work, but I never seemed to listen to him play a complete piece of music. I stopped a few yards from him. He was Apparently immersed in his own world, oblivious of his surroundings. Many people walked swiftly by; a few people dropped some coins into his "treasure" box without looking at him. Each time the coins hit the bottom of the box, he dutifully said "thank you" while his fingers moved dexterously across his keyboard. As I listened more attentively to his music, which was dripping with so much warmth and tranquility, my heart was soothed. Until then I had not been able to grieve over Cherie’s death and my sorrow had been tucked snuggly into one corner of my heart. As this man continued to pour forth his life unto his keyboard, the pain long hidden inside slowly melted away. As if touched by a tender hand of the Unseen, only then was I able to cry and rise in prayer. Through this blind man whom I brushed off as a mere beggar, I was spurred again and yet again to weep and pray until my heart could come laughing. </P>
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<P align=justify>To every passer-by, this man maybe just one of those handicapped who need to find a niche in society, wanting nothing more than a few coins in return each day. Should there be anyone whose life is touched, transformed and healed by his music or even his mere presence, he might not even receive the feedback. By offering the world the little that he has, he offers himself; and by doing so he has become an instrument of God’s surpassing love. I began to wonder if I were in his shoes, would I be able to give my best to the faceless mass that I can never see with my eyes? Will I long to be recognized, to receive something more in return if I give day in day out? Will the deprival of applause send me to the valley trip of despair and discouragement? Can I love without putting any conditions on my love? I dared not answer myself. </P>
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<P>That day after I went home, I opened my bible and read again John 3:16, " For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life". Right then, I could see Jesus in that blind man. And I was finally able to comprehend the profound meaning of giving…</P></FONT></EM>
发表于 29-5-2005 02:42:55|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
nice work, keep it on..
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