xiangmi LV5
发表于 14-9-2005 11:25:13
<P><a href="http://www.ntuc.com.sg/members/becomeamember.asp" target="_blank" >http://www.ntuc.com.sg/members/becomeamember.asp</A></P><P>Every working person* can be a union member and enjoy benefits from <a href="http://www.ntuc.com.sg/co-ops/default.asp" target="_blank" >9 NTUC Co-operatives, 6 affliated organizations</A>, a golf and country club, local and overseas resorts, heavily-subsidised training courses, the <a href="http://www.ntuc.com.sg/members/about_yrntuccard.asp" target="_blank" >NTUC Card</A> and <a href="http://www.linkpoints.com.sg/" target="_blank" >LinkPoints</A> programme, and more! In addition, union members are spoilt for choice with a wide array of <a href="http://www.ntuc.com.sg/members/member_benefits.asp" target="_blank" >promotions, discounts and special offers</A> by our network of friendly merchants!</P> |