1. What am I gonna do? I'm gonno miss this curfew. <BR><BR>怎么办!我会赶不上关门(时间的.) <BR><BR>美国口语常用 I'm gonna (=going to)及 I wanna (=want to) <BR><BR>的省略形;听起来虽有亲切感,但应避免在正式的场合中使用. <BR><BR>curfew 是指"关门"之意. "我赶不上(宿舍等的)关门时间"是 <BR><BR>I'm not gonna make (it for) the curfew. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>2. Those people hanging out next door are so noisy. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>经常聚集在隔壁的那些人吵闹的很. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>hang out 是"经常聚集", 等于hang around. <BR><BR>"经常流连的场所(名词)" 拼为 hangout. <BR><BR>This coffee shop is our favorite hangout. <BR><BR>(这家咖啡屋是我们最喜欢聚会的地方). <BR><BR> <BR><BR>3. Heaven is eating convenience store "hotdogs" in winter. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>冬天吃便利商店的"热狗"真棒 <BR><BR> <BR><BR>表示"幸福,快乐,真棒"等情况时也可以用漫画里的Snoopy"史奴比" <BR><BR>常说的 Happiness is..... Nothing is better than eating.... <BR><BR>以及 You can't beat eating....都是表示"吃.......最棒"之意. <BR><BR>4. Shoot. They cut my phone service again. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>呦!他们(电信局)又切断我的电话了. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>也可以说 They cut me off again. <BR><BR>shoot (=****) 是"狗屎,胡说"之意; <BR><BR>****一词最好少用,shoot尚可. <BR><BR>service是指"公共事业". <BR><BR>The postal service in this country is not so good. <BR><BR>是(这个国家的邮政事业不太好). <BR><BR> <BR><BR>5. Who am I gonna bum some money from next? <BR><BR> <BR><BR>我下一个该向谁借钱呢? <BR><BR> <BR><BR>bum是"敲竹杠,乞讨",含有"有借无还"的意思, <BR><BR>如: Can I bum a cigarette from/off you? <BR><BR>(我可以向你要一支香烟吗?). <BR><BR>也有 Can I hit you up for 1,000 yuan till next month? <BR><BR>(我可不可以向你借1,000元,下个月还你?)的说法. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>6. This room's starting to smell like a compost heap. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>这个房间开始有些(垃圾)臭味了. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>compost heap 是"肥堆",用作"恶臭"之意. <BR><BR>"垃圾"一般称为 trash(英国人称为rubbish), <BR><BR>厨房的"菜屑碎肉之类的垃圾"称作(kitchen) garbage. <BR><BR>同时,"(不)可燃垃圾"称为(non) burnable waste. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>7. That pervert again?! He gives me the creeps. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>那个色狼又出现了!?他让我浑身其鸡皮疙瘩. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>pervert 是"变态者","调戏孩子者"称为 child molester, <BR><BR>"偷窥者"称为peeper.(你这老不正经的!)常用 You dirty old man! <BR><BR>....gives me the creeps 是"....使我起鸡皮疙瘩". <BR><BR>He's creepy. 是(他令人毛骨悚然)之意. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>9. I kill time. 消磨时间. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>kill除了有"杀死"的意思以外,还有许多不同的意思. <BR><BR>如: The noise killed the music. 是指(噪音吵的听不到音乐)之意. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>10. I blow-dry my hair. 吹干头发. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>dry 是"弄干"之意. "用毛巾擦干"是 towel oneself, <BR><BR>"用力擦干"就用 towel away. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>11. 缩写表达方式一览表. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>英美人士在会话中,常使用缩写的词语,以使会话更为生动. <BR><BR>以下是一些使用频率较高的缩写词句,以供参考. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>when's ---- when is; he's ---- he is/ he has; <BR><BR>kinda ---- kind of; it's been ---- it has been; <BR><BR>what're ---- what are; what'll ---- what will; <BR><BR>that'll ---- that will; I'd ---- I would/ I had; <BR><BR> <BR><BR>It'd (be) ---- It would (be); wanna ---- want to; <BR><BR>gonna ---- going to; I've gotta ---- I have got to; <BR><BR>C'mon ---- Come on; shoulda ---- should have; <BR><BR>'cause ---- because; a lotta ---- a lot of; <BR><BR> <BR><BR>12. I feel relief when I see the questions. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>看完题目后方下心. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>What a relief! 是(多么令人感到欣慰/放心!)的意思. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>13. I rack my brain trying to remember the answer. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>绞尽脑汁想答案. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>rack one's brain 是"绞尽脑汁". <BR><BR>也顺便记下 on the rack, 意思是"非常痛苦". <BR><BR> <BR><BR>14. I throw in the towel. 我认输了. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>throw in the towel 是"承认败北", 源自拳击比赛时的做法. <BR><BR>也可以说 I give up. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>15. I hope there're a lot of decent guys in that club. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>我希望那个社团多数是正派的人. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>decent是"得体的,体面的"之意. decent guys 通常是指"正派的人". <BR><BR>指"容貌英俊的男孩",可以用 good/decent-looking guys. <BR><BR>目前一般所谓的"三高",指的就是 a tall, high-income, and <BR><BR>well-educated man "高个子,高收入,高学历." <BR><BR> <BR><BR> <BR><BR> <BR><BR>16. He says he's sick, but I think he just doesn't wanna join us anymore. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>他说他病了,但我想他只是不愿再加入我们的行列. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>(他以生病为借口) 是 It's an excuse that he's sick. 或 <BR><BR>He's using sickness as an excuse. <BR><BR>还有 I'm gonna call in sick 是"(向工作单位等)请病假"之意, <BR><BR>真假的时候都可以说. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>17. No. A ratty-haired bookworm, in this day and age? <BR><BR> <BR><BR>噢!现在都什么时代了,还有这种满头邋遢头发的书呆子? <BR><BR> <BR><BR>ratty-haired 是"邋遢的头发"之意. <BR><BR>bookworm 如字面所示,是"书虫(书呆子)"的意思. <BR><BR>"用功念书的古怪家伙"在美国俚语中是 nerd, <BR><BR>而英国俚语指猛K(啃)书的人则说 swot. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>18. That guy! he took our club's video camera home. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>那个家伙!他把我们社团里的摄像机拿回家了. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>guy 是"家伙,(男)人之意;在美国还用 jerk "讨厌鬼" <BR><BR>如: What a gerk! 表示"好家伙!"之意. <BR><BR>You shouldn't help yourself to our club equipment. <BR><BR>是(你不可将我们的社团公物私用)之意. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>19. I invite people to join our club. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>我邀请人来参加社团. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>invite...over 是"邀请人来家里"之意. invitation 是"请柬". <BR><BR>请柬上注明 R.S.V.P. (法语 Repondez s'il vous plait 的简称)时, <BR><BR>表示 please reply. (出席与否请复函)之意. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>20. I agree grudgingly. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>我勉强的同意. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>形容词 grudging 是"不情愿的,勉强的"之意. <BR><BR>grudging praise 是"不情愿说的奉承话". 动词 grudge 是"吝惜"的意思. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>21. I stretch to loosen up. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>我伸展身体. stretch 是"伸展". <BR><BR> <BR><BR>22. What is this? What kind of party organizer is he? <BR><BR> <BR><BR>搞什么嘛? 他算哪种聚会主办人? <BR><BR> <BR><BR>(酒不够喝)说 There's not enough drinks to go around. <BR><BR>而(点心太差)则说 The appetizers are lousy. <BR><BR>"主办人"称为 party host/hotess. What kind of...?是"哪一种.."之意. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>23. He can really chug his beer. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>他可以一口气喝掉他的啤酒. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>chug 是 chug-a-lug (表示"咕噜咕噜"的象声词,为俚语,"一口气喝下去"的意思) <BR><BR>的缩写. (各位,让我们一口气喝干啤酒吧!)是说 Everybody, get ready to <BR><BR>chug your beer!. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>24. The ones who get all quiet and suddenly throw up worry me the most. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>有一种人静静的喝酒中间会突然呕吐出来,我最怕这样了. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>"呕吐"可以用 throw up 或 vomit. 俚语中有 puke (还记得//puke吗?), <BR><BR>barf,heave,upchuck,toss one's cookies 等说法. 也有 Watch out! <BR><BR>Looks like somebody lost his dinner. (注意!好象有人丢掉了他(吃) <BR><BR>的晚餐)的委婉说法. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>25. I don't think the wimpy drinkers are gonna last long in this club. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>我不认为那些酒量差的老兄会在这社团呆的太久. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>wimpy 是"窝囊(wimp)的"意思, 如: What a wimp! (多窝囊啊!). <BR><BR>(他不太会喝酒)是 He's a light drinker.; (他酒量普通)是 He's a social <BR><BR>drinker.; (他是一个善饮者)则说 He's a heavy/hard drinker. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>26. He looks like he can hold his liquor. Let's see how long he lasts. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>他看起来好像海量,让我们看看他能撑到几时. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>He can hold his liquor. 是(他喝酒不醉/海量). 而 He can't hold his <BR><BR>liquor. 则是(他一喝酒就会乱来)之意. liquor 是"酒精饮料". <BR><BR>在美国,"酒店"称为 liquor store. 而(我可以把你灌醉)是说 I can drink <BR><BR>you under the table. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>27. Laugh while you can, fella. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>看你还能得意到几时!小子. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>fella 是 fellow 的转化, 以为"男子;家伙".说 out-drink...时是"喝赢.." <BR><BR>的意思. (让我们看看谁最会喝)是 Let's see who can outdrink the others. <BR><BR>或说 Let's see who can last the longest. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>28. Wow!! I lucked out! We're going back the same way. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>哇!!我幸运透了! 我们可以同路回去. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>luck out 是"幸运透了"之意. He lucked out. He didn't get drafted. <BR><BR>是(他很幸运免服兵役). (我们住在同一方向/同一条路线)则说 We live <BR><BR>the same way/one the same line. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>29. I've brought the best-looking girls, and this is the best you could do? <BR><BR> <BR><BR>我邀请了最漂亮的女孩子,而你们只能做到这个程度? <BR><BR> <BR><BR>best-looking 是"最好看的..."之意. This is...?是"只能...吗?". <BR><BR>"最差的男人"可以用dog (即俚语中"最没魅力的人"来称呼,如: What <BR><BR>a bunch of dogs!) (**我分特.早知道dog还有这个意思,我一定不会用 <BR><BR>它作昵称的,不过话又说回来了,这个词义你一定记住了.呵呵**) (没什么 <BR><BR>好选的!)可以说 Slim pickings! <BR><BR> <BR><BR>30. Don't tell me. Is he after her, too? <BR><BR> <BR><BR>不至于吧,他也在追求她?! <BR><BR> <BR><BR>Don't tell me (that...) 是口语"不至于吧;别开玩笑"之意. <BR><BR>Be after...是"追着...". The police are after him. 是(他被警察 <BR><BR>追着)的意思,而 What's he after? 则是(他想要追求什么?)之意. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>31. They are in their own world. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>他们沉浸在自己的天地里. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>be in one's own world 是"沉浸在自我的世界"之意. 也可以用在指爱情 <BR><BR>以外的情形. (他们相互恋爱着)可以说 They're completely in love with <BR><BR>each other., 或是俚语用法的 They're crazy/mad/nuts about each other. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>32. He was more interesting than I expected. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>他比我想像的还风趣. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>I never would have guessed he would be so interesting. 是(我从未想到 <BR><BR>他是如此风趣)之意. 相反的,(我不知道他是这样的一个土包子)则说 I didn't <BR><BR>know he was such a jerk. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>33. Yuck! The guy's wearing a tux. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>呦! 那位仁兄穿起晚礼服来了. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>It's yucky! 是稚语的(糟糕了!)之意. tuxedo 在口语中只说 tux即可. <BR><BR>而(我不知道要穿正式礼服)是 I didn't know I had to dress up., 或说 <BR><BR>I didn't know this was gonna be a dress-up party. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>34. They're gonna be rolling in it. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>他们会赚死了. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>He's rolling in it/money. 是(他正在大赚其钱)的常用句. <BR><BR>make a big profit on...也是"大赚..."之意.如: They must have <BR><BR>made a big profit on this party. 是(他们在这次聚会上,一定大赚一笔). <BR><BR> <BR><BR>35. I round up the gang. 聚了一帮人. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>I drink to a toast. 干杯. 在欧洲,干杯时常说 Cheers! 或 Mud in the eye! <BR><BR> <BR><BR>I reach for some snacks and munchies. 伸手抓点心吃. 动词munch 是"嘎之 <BR><BR>嘎之的咬/嚼"之意.munchies是名词点心. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>36. I gorge myself on the food. 狼吞虎咽的吃. gorge oneself 是"狼吞虎咽"之意. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>I come on strong and try to pick up a girl. 为亲近那女孩猛灌迷魂汤. <BR><BR>come on strong 是"侃侃而谈", <BR><BR>此处含有"猛灌迷魂汤"之意. <BR><BR>pick up a girl 在此处是指"拍女孩,找个女孩交朋友"之意. <BR><BR>make a smooth pick up 是"很顺利就交上(女朋友)"的意思. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>I jeer and start yelling. 喝倒彩. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>I do an impersonation. 做模仿表演. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>37. I get dead drunk.醉倒了. 翌日醒来再喝酒,"以酒攻酒" 称为 a hair of the dog. <BR><BR>古时候人们认为被哪只狂犬咬着,就用它的毛来治疗. <BR><BR>有这个传说转意而来就有了"以毒攻毒"的意思. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>I take care of someone who has passed out. 照顾一个醉倒的人. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>请注意,passed out 而不是 passed away.呵呵. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>38. I wonder if two crates of cabbage is enough. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>我不知道两箱包心菜够不够. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>crate 是指"(运送,打包用的)箱柜,竹笼"等. cabbage 是"包心菜". <BR><BR>此处将 two crates of cabbage 当作一个整体,所以动词用单数 is. <BR><BR>如果说 Shall I go and get another crate, just in case? 是指 <BR><BR>(是要我再去拿一箱,以防万一吗?) <BR><BR> <BR><BR>39. Well, since he's making such a fuss, guess I'll just have to. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>好吧!因为他很罗嗦,我想只好就听他的吧! <BR><BR> <BR><BR>since 是"因为",用来表示"理由". <BR><BR>make a fuss(about .....) 是"小题大作;罗里罗唆"之意. <BR><BR>just have to (do so) 是"只好听他"之意. <BR><BR>(哼,她总是独断专行)可以用 Gosh, she always has her own way. <BR><BR>(怕怕的问, is she Angel?? <IMG src="http://torcn.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_razz.gif" border=0>) <BR><BR> <BR><BR>40. Hey, there're some cute girls over there. Let's go! <BR><BR> <BR><BR>嘿,那边有些漂亮女孩.我们去吧! <BR><BR> <BR><BR>cute girl 是"可爱的女孩".美国俚语也用 chick "妞"或 <BR><BR>babe (=baby) "可人儿"来称呼女孩子. 美国的棒球王 Babe Ruth 是因他长的 <BR><BR>一副娃娃脸而被大家称为 Babe. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>41. These guys think they're really great, don't they? <BR><BR> <BR><BR>这些家伙以为他们真的很了不起,不是吗? <BR><BR> <BR><BR>"自我满足"是 self-satisfaction, 也可以用 complacency. <BR><BR>(无聊!胡说八道!废话!)等说法可以用 Nonsense! <BR><BR>(笨得无可救药!)可以说 A fool remains a fool until he dies. <BR><BR>42. I thought she was just a rich princess, but it looks like we <BR><BR>have a lot in common. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>我以为她不过是千金小姐,但看来我们有许多共同点. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>带着轻蔑口吻的"千金小姐,阔少爷"常用 spoiled rich kid/brat. <BR><BR>have a lot in common 是"有许多共同之处". <BR><BR>We have good chemistry. 是一句俗语,意味(我们很谈的来). <BR><BR> <BR><BR>43. I'm glad I got it off my chest. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>我很高兴自己把心事讲出来. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>got it off my chest 是"把心事吐露出来". (为什么不把心事讲出来? <BR><BR>你会觉得舒服的多)是 Why don't you get it off your chest? <BR><BR>You'll feel much better; 相反的,想说(我有心事)可以用 I have <BR><BR>something on my mind. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>44. She always says, "I don't know what to do...", but she's just <BR><BR>showing off. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>她总是说"我不知道该怎么办",....但她只是为了要炫耀自己. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>show off...是"炫耀......"之意. "夸耀"可用 brag 或 boast, 如: <BR><BR>She's always bragging/going on about her boyfriend. <BR><BR>(她经常夸耀她的男友). <BR><BR> <BR><BR>45. We've been through a lot but we're still together. It must be fate. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>我们历尽沧桑后仍在一起,必定是命中注定的. <BR><BR> <BR><BR>we've been through a lot 是(我们一起历尽沧桑)之意. <BR><BR>It must be fate. 是说(一定是命中注定的)之意. <BR><BR>(我想我们是命中注定在一起)可以说 I guess we're meant to be stuck <BR><BR>with each other. |