1.前几天看到的馒头店搞笑招牌:“大眼真包,买的称心,吃的放心。”下书一行英文大字:“buy feel happy,eat trust!”象偶这种反应慢的人走出好远才回过味儿来。 <BR>1. 北京某宾馆大堂 <BR>"The lift is being fixed for next day. During that time we regret that you will be unbearable." <BR><BR>2. 上海某宾馆电梯内 <BR>"Please leave your values at the front desk." <BR><BR>3. 杭州某宾馆 <BR>"The flattening of underwear with pleasure is the job of the chambermaid." <BR><BR>4. 长春某宾馆 <BR>"You are very invited to take advantage of the chambermaid." <BR><BR>5. 无锡某干洗店 <BR>"Please drop your trousers here for best results." <BR><BR>6. 天津某服装商场 <BR>"Order your summer suits quick. Because of big rush we will ????ute customers in strict rotation." <BR><BR>7. 西安某商场 <BR>"Ladies may have a fit upstairs." <BR><BR>8. 桂林某宾馆 <BR>"Because of impropriety of entertaining guests of the opposite sex in the bedroom, it is suggested that the lobby be used for this purpose." <BR><BR>9. 昆明某牙科医院 <BR>"Teeth extracted by the latest methodists." <BR><BR>10. 杭州动物园 <BR>"Please do not feed animals. If you have suitable food give it to the guard on duty." <BR><BR>11. 苏州某KTV店曲目单 <BR>"I'd Like to Teach the Wound to Sing; What Kind of Foot Am I." <BR><BR>12. 太原某酒吧 <BR>"Special cocktails for the ladies with nuts." <BR><BR>13. 海南航空售票处 <BR>"We take your bags and send them to all directions." <BR><BR>14. 华山某庙大殿 <BR>"It is forbidden to enter a woman. Even a foreigner if dressed as a man." <BR><BR>15. 哈尔滨某餐厅菜单 <BR>"Salad a firm's own make; limpid red beet soup with cheesy dumplings in the form of a finger; beef rashers beaten up in the country people's fashion." <BR><BR>16. 北京某宾馆 <BR>"BE SLOPPILY DRESSED NO ADMITTANCE" <BR><BR>17.过去也说过,本人亲眼所见最搞笑的英文标识是长沙机场的乘客出口和入口处,分别用斗大的红色英文写着Export和Import。不可思议的俺2000年所见,2002年据说还没改变。 <BR><BR>18.另一搞笑翻译来自深圳,某五星级宾馆电梯内的餐厅广告:Autumn Wind Is Up. Three Snakes Are Fat。俺猜应该是“秋风起,三蛇肥”的意思。 <BR><BR>19.原来东单到东四半路有一北京鱼店,英文名:THE CENTER OF SELLING FISH IN BEIJING。路西,在现在的邮局教堂附近。 <BR>又,中轴路西有一餐厅 天下第一涮 英文名 THE FIRST SHUAN IN THE WORLD。 <BR><BR>20.俺最近碰到一个超级搞笑的,能让以上六宫粉黛无颜色。一个来自SD省的基层干部到广交会“考察”,出示的名片还是bilingual的: <BR>单位:SD省XX县XX乡税务所 <BR>姓名:XXX <BR>职务:所长 <BR>名片背面“所长”的英文是:what one is good at <BR><BR>21. 湖南某超市, 卖干货的货架上用英文写着: Fuck stuff. |