【123】The One With The Birth <BR><BR>1. mucus plug是一种能堵住宫颈口的粘液,以避免细菌什么的进入子宫,伤害胎儿,ross说passed the mucus plug,是指产程发动时,mucus plug就会伴随血液流出来,这个过程也叫bloody show,也就是快生了。 <BR><BR>2.You don't stop for chunky. Carol她们那么急去医院的路上还去买chunky玩具, ross在埋怨她们. <BR><BR>3. used to have those bumper stick <BR>Bumper sticker (rom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. ) <BR>A bumper sticker is a message attached to the bumper of vehicle to get attention of others. They can be political or humorous, may or promote a or attack a particular stand on any issue. <BR>Examples: <BR>(USA) Clinton Gore 96 [democratic party bumper sticker] <BR>(USA) Clinton Gone 96 [republican party bumper sticker] hoho <BR>第二句是对rach说的,先前rach开ross玩笑被瞪,她抱怨为什么chan开就行,chan就说你得挑时间. <BR>
【122】The One With The Ick Factor <BR><BR>1.frame of graft,不是frame of graft. 是frame of Reference。意思是:我没有相关的经历来进行对比,(就是说他以前是处男嘛)。 <BR><BR>2.That was gonna be my opener. <BR>OPENER是开场白。摩妮卡自己本来想说HEY,结果被伊森抢先说了,所以她说这本来是我的开场白。 <BR>
【121】The One With The Fake Monica <BR><BR>1.popes into a volkswagen <BR>随便说下自己的理解,不知道准不准确。 <BR>Chandler这句话该是针对Joey所说的,所以有必要看一下Joey的话: <BR>Joey: How do you get a monkey into a zoo? <BR>Chandler: I know that one! ...No, that's Popes into a Volkswagen. <BR>Pope是教皇,Volkswagen是很大众的车,教皇怎么可能屈尊做大众呢?不过Marcel虽然是Ross最亲密的伙伴,也摆脱不了他是只小猴的命运。猴子进动物园是很理所当然的事情,而Joey却问了这么白*的问题,所以Chandler调侃他说了Popes into a Volkswagen.言下之意,Joey你在说什么呢?Marcel不过是只猴子罢了,拜托别弄得他像教皇一样好吗! <BR>Actually, yesterday I asked one of my western friends about your question. According to him, there's no such a punchline in western countries. Apparently, it's just another improvised joke from Chandler. You know how contextual, cynical and dry his jokes could be. <BR>And by the way, my friend also told me some funny fact that in their culture, there is often a joke about "How can you get a ____ inot a volkswagen.... " So, if you really want to mention the original meaning, I think probably this is the original shape of Chandler's joke. <BR><BR>2.Holden McGroin <BR>实际上就是那意思,holding my groin的谐音,外国人造了许多假名字,有的搞笑,有的dirty.. <BR><BR>3.'and, my, dead, moher, says, you, are, it' <BR>'it'在这里指代'(the)partner' <BR><BR>4.flame boy,pheo给joey的名字,这个名字给人gay的感觉,下面这个小家伙也叫flameboy <BR>
【120】The One With The Evil Orthodontist <BR><BR>1. personal ad 自我简介,征婚广告 <BR><BR>2. testosteroney <BR>testosterone 是一种男性荷尔蒙,睾丸酮,是雄性激素 androgens 的重要组成部分。 <BR>testosteroney不是正式的词,Phoebe 是用很形象的方式告诉 chandler 别老那么大男子主义。 <BR><BR>3.if I'm hogging the ball too much you just jump right in there and take a couple punches because I'm telling you, this feels great. <BR>hogging the ball 指双打时强打同伴的球,rach 是把 barry 说成 the ball,“如果我强着骂他/揍他了,你也不用有什么顾虑,上去给几拳,很爽的” <BR>
【119】The One Where The Monkey Gets Away <BR><BR>1.suck-fest 就是suck,In Joey's opinion the movie "sucked" or was not enjoyable. In fact, it was a fest(ival) of unenjoyable. <BR><BR>2.chick-flick 所谓的文艺片,以女性为主题,A movie (flick) made almost exclusively to appeal to women (chicks). This is why the two boys thought it sucked. <BR><BR>3.clunky Clumsy in form or manner; awkward: 笨重的形态或举止笨重的;笨拙的: <BR>clunky high-heel shoes. 笨重的高跟鞋 <BR><BR>4.Go bobcats <BR>bobcats 经常被用作高中运动队的名字,每个队都有吉祥物,可能他们的高中就用bobcats吧 ,而Go bobcats 就是“加油 bobcats”啦 <BR>monica试图用高中时经常用到的口号,唤起Luisa的回忆 <BR>