Happy Birthday 生日快乐歌的起源

2006-04-10 · 1322 阅读
<FONT size=2>The story of how the song "Happy Birthday to You" came to be, began as a <BR>sweet one, that later soured. Two sisters, Mildred Hill, a teacher at the <BR>Louisville, Kentucky Experimental Kindergarten, and Dr. Patty Hill, the <BR>principal of the same school, together wrote a song for the children, <BR>entitled "Good Morning to All." When Mildred combined her musical talents, as <BR>the resident expert on spiritual songs, and as the organist for her church, <BR>with her sister's expertise in the area of Kindergarten Education, "Good <BR>Morning to All" was sure to be a success.<BR><BR>  关于“祝你生日快乐”一歌是如何产生的故事,一开始是件令人愉快的事,到后来就变了味,令人很扫兴。事情是这样 的:有姐妹俩,一个叫玛德里德·希尔,路易思维尔市肯德基实验幼儿园教师,一个叫柏蒂·希尔,该校的校长。姐妹 俩一道为儿童们谱写了一首歌,歌名为“大家早上好”。玛德里德是当地赞美歌的专家,再加上她的音乐天分,又是当 地教堂的风琴师,而且她姐姐在幼儿教育方面也很有经验,“大家早上好”一歌无疑是个巨大的成功。<BR><BR>  The sisters published the song in a collection entitled "Song Stories of <BR>the Kindergarten" in 1893. Thirty-one years later, after Dr. Patty Hill became <BR>the head of the Department of Kindergarten Education at Columbia University's <BR>Teacher College, a gentleman by the name of Robert H. Coleman published the <BR>song, without the sisters' permission. To add insult to injury, he added a <BR>second verse, the familiar "Happy Birthday to You."<BR><BR>  1893年,两姐妹发表了一部歌曲集,题名为“幼儿园的故事”。三十一年以后,在柏蒂·希尔出任哥伦比亚大学师范学院幼儿教育系系主任之后,一个名叫罗伯特·H·科尔曼的男士未经姐妹俩的允许,私自出版了这首歌,在这首歌后又加上了一段,即大家熟悉的“祝你生日快乐”,这就构成了对姐妹俩的伤害和侮辱。科尔曼先生增加的第二段歌词使这首歌很快就十分流行。<BR><BR>  Mr. Coleman's addition of the second verse popularized the song and, <BR>eventually, the sisters' original first verse disappeared. "Happy Birthday to <BR>You," the one and only birthday song, had altogether replaced the sisters' <BR>original title, "Good Morning to All."<BR><BR>  最终,姐妹俩的第一段歌词消失了。“祝你生日快乐”,这首唯一的生日歌完全取代了姐妹俩原来的歌曲“大家早上好!”。<BR><BR>  After Mildred died in 1916, Patty, together with a third sister named <BR>Jessica, sprang into action and took Mr. Coleman to court. In court, they <BR>proved that they, indeed, owned the melody. Because the family legally owns the song, it is entitled to royalties from it, whenever it is sung for commercial <BR>purposes.<BR><BR>  玛德里德于1916年逝世后,柏蒂与其另一个妹妹杰西卡出面将科尔曼先生告上了法庭。在法庭上,她们证明,实际上她们拥有这首歌曲调的版权。由于这首歌曲的法定版权属于希尔姐妹家,它便被赋予了皇权,无论何时这首歌因商用目的而被唱的时候,其皇权总是会受到保护的。</FONT><BR>

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