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发表于 20-8-2006 12:15:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<p>最近在看房子了。我想知道有什么要注意的呢?</p><p>比如说房屋结构怎么比较好,楼层.朝向.还有怎么跟中介谈价格呢....</p><p>都不懂呀,请买过房子的前辈告诉我们呀。不管是什么方面都很感激 ...</p><p>谢谢拉。..</p><p></p>
发表于 20-8-2006 12:52:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<p>see hse:-</p><p>1. feeling- when u step into the hse the feeling must be good , bright and windy , for myself i prefer unblock view.</p><p>2. if u did not drive- location is very important , near to amenities,mrt/bus-stop/harwker centre/market will save u a lot of time. although u will pay a bit more of the price , but u will enjoy the hse when u stay there, when next time u need to resell u will fetch a better price and easier to sell also(buy high /sell high)</p><p>3. there is alway a market price for the flat, u can get it from <a href=""></a>, as agent we will gather from a few source:-</p><p>power seraches:- to know what flat is available, just call up a few we will know the valuation and the call price&nbsp;for each unit.</p><p>transacted&nbsp;price:- <a href=""></a>&nbsp; now the price is more accurate, last few year, deal to a lot of cash- back , u will get a huge different in price like 280k for high floor unit and 350k for low floor unit, one look u will know is fishy.</p><p>and we will talk a bit with the owner/agent to know the reason of selling to judge how desperate is&nbsp;the seller.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>[em01]
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发表于 24-8-2006 01:19:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>抱着小猪睡</i>在2006-8-20 12:15:00的发言:</b><br/><p>最近在看房子了。我想知道有什么要注意的呢?</p><p>比如说房屋结构怎么比较好,楼层.朝向.还有怎么跟中介谈价格呢....</p><p>都不懂呀,请买过房子的前辈告诉我们呀。不管是什么方面都很感激 ...</p><p>谢谢拉。..</p><p></p></div><p></p><p>1。你的预算</p><p>2。你要买屋的地点</p><p>3。楼层(永久居民需要电梯层)--〉高楼会较凉爽,不过低楼如果南北朝向,前后无阻挡,也未尝不可。会较便宜。</p><p>4。去地铁站的距离</p><p>5。房屋的新旧。(年代)</p><p>2-5 点加上装修情况决定了屋子的基本估价,建屋局的网站可查前三个月的成交价。你就有了底。</p><p>把以上的要求2-5跟中介讲清楚,询问中介的建议,如果你觉得中介为人诚恳。站在你的角度为你考虑,你可以放心得让他帮你找。价钱由中介去和对方交涉。你只需给他一个你自己的底线。</p><p>谈价钱是一个过程,一般买家都要低,卖家都要高。但有历史成交价在,一般太离谱的就别答应,除非你实在喜欢,又能负担。</p><p>预算时留点余地,到时可以灵活。</p><p>至于结构,见仁见智,华人喜欢方方正正的屋子,有的新屋子design and build你可能就觉得怪怪的,但还很贵。</p>
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发表于 24-8-2006 01:31:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 24-8-2006 07:54:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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