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发表于 30-10-2006 11:46:00|来自:山东青岛 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<p>在中文报章杂志上,常看到一些英语俚语(口语)的中文翻译。诸如「黑羊」、「踢水桶」、「阿奇里斯<br/>之踝」等等。其实这些译文都是来自英语「black sheep」、「kick the bucket」和「Achille's heel」。<br/>若是这些译文不附加原文予以解释,恐怕「迷惑」的读者,不在少数。这不是影响了语文的沟通目的吗?为此,介绍一些这类的英语俚语(在此称之为「特别字眼」),也许对某些读者会有点助益!<br/>更多的具体信息,请参考 <a href=""></a>&nbsp; 里面的 “Idioms” 。</p><p>(1) empty suit:</p><p>指不重要的人或假冒者 ( an unimportant person or a phony) 多半用在商业上,当名词用。</p><p>(这本是business term,指虽然穿著整齐全套的 business suit,却不能干、没有能力,不受尊敬的人。)</p><p>例如:</p><p>An empty suit generally gets no attention from the public.</p><p>(一位虚伪不实的人,通常不会受到大众的注意。)</p><p>Mr. Lee acts like a big shot, but he is just an empty suit.</p><p>(李先生装著像位大人物,但他只是不重要的人。)</p><p>虽然这句话,多半只用单数,但有时也用复数:</p><p>The company is filled with a lot of empty suits.</p><p>(这公司有许多虚伪不重要的人)</p><p>(2) fair-haired boy:</p><p>指得宠的人,也就是宠儿,多半指男人(a fa-vorite person usually referring to a man)</p><p>(通常用单数,当名词用)</p><p>例如:</p><p>Mr. Cheney has become a fair-haired boy to the presi-dent.</p><p>( Cheney 先生变成总统的宠儿。)</p><p>Not being a fair-haired boy, Mr. Wong never gets pay-raises and promotions.</p><p>(王先生不得宠,从未得到加薪和升级。)</p><p>有时也可用复数:</p><p>Mr. Bush selected two former fair-haired boys for his cabinet.</p><p>(Bush 先生为他的内阁选用两位过去的宠儿。)</p><p>Fair-haired boys tend to receive special treatment by their bosses.</p><p>(得宠的人,较会受到他们上司的特别待遇。)</p><p>(但没有 fair-haired girl 的说法)</p><p>(3) fishing expedition:</p><p>为了搜罗新闻材料而进行盘问或调查(Try to ask questions to get more useful information)</p><p>(这句话本是 legal term,当名词用,多半用单数)</p><p>例如:</p><p>The judge said the prosecutor was on a fishing expedi-tion and stopped him.</p><p>(法官说原告为搜罗罪证而进行调查,要他停止。)</p><p>The police are on a fishing expedition in order to solve(或 resolve)the murder case.</p><p>(警察进行调查盘问,以便侦破谋杀案。)</p><p>(注:solve 和 resolve 都有「解决」的意思,但通常solve用在「问题上」,resolve 用在「争执」上。solve the problem 而 resolve the conflict)</p><p>The reporter went on a fishing expedition about the president's involvement in the Iraq War.</p><p>(记者搜罗有关总统卷入伊拉克战争的新闻资料。)</p><p>偶尔也有人用复数:</p><p>Several fishing expeditions have been made before he decides to run for office.</p><p>(在他决定竞选之前,他做了数次的收集资料调查。)</p><p>(4) filthy rich:</p><p>意思是很富有,很有钱。(very wealthy)</p><p>(未必是不义之财或肮脏钱)</p><p>多半当形容词用。例如:</p><p>With a beautiful mansion and an expensive car, Mr. B must be filthy rich.</p><p>( B先生住著富丽堂皇的大厦,开著昂贵的汽车,他一定很有钱。)</p><p>Despite being filthy rich, Mr. C is still leading his life in a frugal way.</p><p>(尽管 C 先生很富有,他仍然过著简朴的生活。)</p><p>A filthy rich person tends to have a superiority complex toward others.</p><p>(有钱者对他人有优越感的倾向。)</p><p>Filthy rich people are not necessarily well-respected unless they possess noble characters.</p><p>(有钱人未必受人尊敬,除非有高尚的品格。)</p><p>(注:但没有 cleanly rich 的说法)</p><p>(5) fairy godmother:</p><p>指及时慷慨提供帮助的人(someone who unex-pectedly gives generous assistance)</p><p>(多半指有钱的女人)</p><p>(这是来自 fairy tale, 指女人有 magical power;因为童话故事里没有男人,故不说 fairy godfather。当名词用。可参考 <a href=""></a> 里面的“Idioms”)</p><p>例如:</p><p>Mr. A has a fairy godmother who gave him fifty thou-sand dollars.</p><p>(一位有钱的女人,帮助A先生五万元。)</p><p>After lifelong savings, Mrs. B donated all her money to a charity organization like a fairy godmother.</p><p>(B 太太将一生的积蓄全部捐给慈善机构。)</p><p>有时也用复数:</p><p>Only business women can act as fairy godmothers.</p><p>(只有商场上的女人才能提供金钱帮助他人。)</p><p>In Chinese society very few fairy godmothers can be discovered.</p><p>(在中国社会里,很少有钱的女人慷慨捐助。)</p><p></p><p><br/>6)eye opener:</p><p>指令人瞠目的事物或使人恍然大悟的发现。也就是惊人的新发现或启示(shocking news or revela-tion)</p><p>(当名词用;通常只用单数)</p><p>例如:</p><p>Your wonderful article on marriage was certainly an eye opener to many youngsters.</p><p>(你那篇有关婚姻的好文章,使许多年轻人获得启示。)</p><p>Mr. Wong's speech about U.S./ China policy seemed to be an eye opener.</p><p>(王先生的中美政策讲演使人恍然大悟。)</p><p>The popular World Journal in North America is an eye opener for many Chinese immigrants.</p><p>(大名鼎鼎的世界日报是北美许多中国移民惊喜的新发现。)</p><p>Some American customs and ways of thinking can be an eye opener to many Chinese people.</p><p>(美国一些的风俗习惯和想法,让许多老中感到惊奇。)</p><p>(7) hot dog:</p><p>指喜欢卖弄冒险的举动,或爱出锋头的惊险动作。(one who performs showy or dangerous stunts ; a show off) ( 可当名词或动词用)</p><p>例如:</p><p>Some young people are hot dogs behind the wheel, speeding all the time.</p><p>(一些年轻人开车时,常做些超速的惊险动作。)</p><p>(这里的 hot dogs = hot doggers)</p><p>In front of his girlfriend, the teenager was trying to hot dog.</p><p>(在女友面前,年轻人做出一些卖弄技巧的花招。)</p><p>(动词时态是:hot dogged, hot dogging)</p><p>During the air force show, one of the pilots was a dan-gerous hot dogging flyer.</p><p>(在空军表演时,一位飞行员做惊险的飞行动作。)</p><p>也指真正的热狗食物:</p><p>The hot dog is one of the favorite fast food in the U.S.</p><p>(在美国热狗是一种受欢迎的快餐。)</p><p>也可表达欣赏的心情:</p><p>Hot dog ! What great news for me.</p><p>(真棒!对我来说是好消息。)</p><p>(8)eager beaver:</p><p>指做事非常卖力的人,也许为了给人良好的印象。(one who likes to work harder in order to impress others)</p><p>(这句话是来自二次世界大战,新兵为了讨好长官而卖力工作。)</p><p>(当名词用,可指男女)</p><p>例如:</p><p>John seems an eager beaver because he always comes early and leaves late.</p><p>(John 似乎是十分卖力的人,因为他总是来得早,走得晚。)</p><p>Being an eager beaver, he sometimes is not well-liked by his colleagues.</p><p>(他做事异常卖力,有时不受同事喜欢。)</p><p>Does Mr. B have a long-lasting attitude as an eager beaver?</p><p>(B 先生做事非常卖力,那是长久以来的态度吗?)</p><p>You may find some eager beavers in any organizations.</p><p>(在任何机关里,你总会发现一些对上司竭力讨好的人。)</p><p>(9)doubting Thomas:</p><p>这是指不信任所有的人,几乎是一种怀疑主义者。(one who is always doubtful toward others)</p><p>(这原出于圣经,因耶稣门徒 Thomas 不信基督的复活)</p><p>(当名词用)</p><p>例如:</p><p>I am not trying to be a doubting Thomas about Mr. Wong's keeping promise.</p><p>(我不怀疑王先生的承诺。)</p><p>There must have been some unpleasant experiences for Mr. B to become a doubting Thomas.</p><p>(B 先生不信任他人,也许因为有不愉快的经验所致。)</p><p>也可用复数:</p><p>My friends are doubting Thomases toward many Chi-nese business people.</p><p>(我朋友对许多中国商人不信任。)</p><p>If there are too many doubting Thomases in our society, people will lose confidence with one another.</p><p>(假如社会上有太多的怀疑主义者,那么人与人之间的信心就会丧失。)</p><p>(10)dragon lady:</p><p>指生气、不友善或凶险的女人。(angry, un-friendly or dangerous woman)(当名词用)</p><p>例如:</p><p>The chairman's secretary is so snoffy and nasty that she is considered a dragon lady.</p><p>(主席的秘书,很自大,脾气差,她被视为凶恶的女人。)</p><p>I am sure no woman likes to be called a dragon lady.</p><p>(我相信没有女人喜欢被称为凶恶的女人。)</p><p>Should your girlfriend happens to be a dragon lady, are you going to breakup with her?</p><p>(假如你的女友成了凶恶的女人,你要与她分手吗?)</p><p>也可用复数:</p><p>There may be many dragon ladies in our community.</p><p>(在我们社区里也许有不少凶女人。)</p><p>注:老外指凶恶男人,不用 dragon gentleman,利用英国侦探小说里的中国恶棍傅满洲(Fu Manchu)为代表</p><p></p><p></p><p><br/></p>


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