
2008-04-18 · 1495 阅读
昨天收到ICA的信 Dear Sir:       please post or fax following documents to permanent resident services centre, within 2 weeks from the date of this letter.           a) kindly furnish us the detailed full curriculum vitae of your family members i.e. wife, parents an ciblings. The curriculum vitae should include information on their employment history, employers, desgnations, ranks and duties.           b) kindly furnish us the detailed full curiculum vitae of your wife's family members i.e. her parents and he siblings. The curriculum vitae should include information on their employment history, employers, designations, ranks and duties.          应该是让我补交我和我老婆家庭成员的详细信息吧。该怎么写呢,有固定的格式吗,要回国拿什么证件吗,比如户口本,父母的身份证,公司证明等等。请有经验的人指点一下,万分感谢。

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