1. Think things through and get yourself motivated. Why Learn English (真正去理解学好英文会给你的生活带来什么. 汉语译文的部分 1,2,3) Know what it takes to learn english(学好英语必须要能做到的)( Do you want just to be a pretender, or a true contender? (So far I haven't see many people who have happened to step in here actually have the interest just to take a look what the 1st 2 articles are about. That makes me wonder if many of you are just pretenders.)
Believe it or not, many people started being interested in English because they wanted to understand the nice English songs. Here is a part of my song collection
常有人来这里说:Easy said than done! 如果你看了上面的文章后,觉得自己有足够的动力和决心,下面几步会很难做吗??? 买本字典,每天练发音。从易到难的阅读。看到激动了,就自己学着模仿写几句。听点广播,看点电视,不时也模仿着说几句。如果你愿意花时间(很多人其实有很多时间,每天都在这里晃来逛去的),这些是不难的。难的是天天要去做。 2. Get good dictionaries How to buy dictioanaries