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预览 [信息分享]A new journey in TKD world for students who've passed the 'Grading' 为通过级别测考的学员开启跆拳道世界的新征程 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 17-5-2023 02333 KyungHeeTKD 17-5-2023 00:02
预览 [信息分享]Taekwondo teaches you the skills of how to self control N discipline 跆拳道教你如何自我控制和纪律的技能 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 14-5-2023 01621 KyungHeeTKD 14-5-2023 21:57
预览 [信息分享]淡滨尼瑜伽好去处,瑜伽专业毕业的印度老师指导 attach_img songwj1978 14-5-2023 01553 songwj1978 14-5-2023 16:18
预览 [信息分享]Kyunghee Taekwondo: the "grading test" continues... Kyunghee跆拳道: "分级测试"继续...... attach_img KyungHeeTKD 13-5-2023 01740 KyungHeeTKD 13-5-2023 21:54
预览 [信息分享]Taekwondo different patterns accompany students to a higher level 跆拳道各种花式套拳都将伴随学员更上一层楼 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 12-5-2023 01694 KyungHeeTKD 12-5-2023 22:50
预览 [信息分享]TKD teaches how to use force, speed N snap to produce harder punches. 跆拳道教导学徒如何使用力量、速度和弹击来产生有力的拳击 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 11-5-2023 01448 KyungHeeTKD 11-5-2023 23:20
预览 [信息分享]TKD students practice various punches, hand/arm strikes and kicks attach_img KyungHeeTKD 10-5-2023 01268 KyungHeeTKD 10-5-2023 15:08
预览 [信息分享]寻找女健身教练 attach_img 手机发帖 esther1118 10-5-2023 01797 esther1118 10-5-2023 14:28
预览 [出售]出售 attach_img 手机发帖 哟呵001 9-5-2023 83680 哟呵001 6-7-2023 10:05
预览 [信息分享]Taekwondo is a sport that exercises your mind and your whole body attach_img KyungHeeTKD 8-5-2023 02822 KyungHeeTKD 8-5-2023 23:56
预览 [信息分享]Kyunghee Taekwondo students advance to next rank after passing the "Grading" attach_img KyungHeeTKD 7-5-2023 02501 KyungHeeTKD 7-5-2023 22:52
预览 [信息分享]KyungheeTKD OrchardBranch: Snapshots before, during N after 'Grading' 跆拳道乌节分馆等级考试前中后掠影像 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 6-5-2023 02013 KyungHeeTKD 6-5-2023 23:41
预览 [信息分享]TKD practice diligently in order to use the technique correctly 跆拳道勤奋练习,以便正确使用这门技术 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 5-5-2023 02128 KyungHeeTKD 5-5-2023 23:22
预览 [信息分享]TKD training improve students' endurance, strength N flexibility 跆拳道训练有助于提高学生的耐力、力量和柔韧性 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 5-5-2023 02017 KyungHeeTKD 5-5-2023 00:24
预览 [信息分享]Taekwondo helps build confidence in kids and overcome adversity 跆拳道有助于建立孩子的信心并克服逆境 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 3-5-2023 02214 KyungHeeTKD 3-5-2023 23:59
预览 [信息分享]TKD lead pupils to a higher levels of value placed on self-control attach_img KyungHeeTKD 1-5-2023 01868 KyungHeeTKD 1-5-2023 22:20
预览 [出售]迪卡侬自行车500L几乎全新蓝色 新人帖 attach_img 手机发帖 诚信qiang 1-5-2023 04071 诚信qiang 1-5-2023 09:10
预览 [信息分享]TKD allows kids to see progress thus increases motivation to learn 跆拳道让学徒看到进步,从而提高学习动力 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 1-5-2023 02193 KyungHeeTKD 1-5-2023 01:16
预览 [信息分享]Taekwondo is that it works to increase students' flexibility 跆拳道的作用在于增加学生的柔韧性 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 29-4-2023 01965 KyungHeeTKD 29-4-2023 23:05
预览 [信息分享]Taekwondo pursues improvements of life thru its unique activities 跆拳道通过其独特的活动追求改善生活 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 29-4-2023 02090 KyungHeeTKD 29-4-2023 01:36
预览 [信息分享]TKD helps kids focus on each new skill to achieving a new level 跆拳道帮助孩子们专注于掌握每一项新技能,作为实现更大目标的下一步 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 28-4-2023 02264 KyungHeeTKD 28-4-2023 00:18
预览 [信息分享]TKD offers games to train N boost child physical fitness N confidence 跆拳道提供游戏来训练和提高学生的体质和力量 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 26-4-2023 02049 KyungHeeTKD 26-4-2023 15:27
预览 [信息分享]Taekwondo increases self confidence N self-control within students跆拳道增强了学生的自信心和自制力 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 25-4-2023 02174 KyungHeeTKD 25-4-2023 00:28
预览 [出售]已卖 手机发帖 horse5601 24-4-2023 02992 horse5601 24-4-2023 15:37
预览 [信息分享]TKD students learn to take on various challenges thru firm training跆拳道学员通过严格的训练学会应对各种挑战 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 23-4-2023 01863 KyungHeeTKD 23-4-2023 21:43
预览 [信息分享]Taekwondo is a discipline that shows ways of enhancing our spirit and life through training our body and mind attach_img KyungHeeTKD 22-4-2023 01789 KyungHeeTKD 22-4-2023 15:20
预览 [信息分享]TKD helps students to train diligently so as to achieve a black belt attach_img KyungHeeTKD 20-4-2023 02025 KyungHeeTKD 20-4-2023 23:36
预览 [信息分享]TKD can help shy kids develop social skills and build confidence跆拳道可以帮助害羞的孩子发展社交技能并建立自信 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 19-4-2023 01817 KyungHeeTKD 19-4-2023 22:24
预览 [信息分享]Kyunghee Taekwondo: Attention, ready, begin (Si Jak), etc… attach_img KyungHeeTKD 18-4-2023 02165 KyungHeeTKD 18-4-2023 23:58
预览 [信息分享]Taekwondo practice will give students body a total body workout. attach_img KyungHeeTKD 18-4-2023 02113 KyungHeeTKD 18-4-2023 00:48
预览 [信息分享]TKD train kids' leg muscles to help improve their kicking power attach_img KyungHeeTKD 16-4-2023 02119 KyungHeeTKD 16-4-2023 23:26
预览 [出售]2全新鱼竿(短节手竿) attach_img 手机发帖  ...2 xxxguo 16-4-2023 138059 xxxguo 26-8-2023 21:10
预览 [运动群组]寻找一起健身的朋友 (红山,中巴鲁, 壁山,大巴窑) attach_img WHOAMI1980 16-4-2023 88138 青来岛 4-4-2024 21:52
预览 [信息分享]TKD uses quick techniques like blocks, punches, kicks to disable a rival attach_img KyungHeeTKD 15-4-2023 01841 KyungHeeTKD 15-4-2023 23:20
预览 [信息分享]TKD white belts, yellow belts, a step into the world of martial arts迈向武术界的第一步 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 15-4-2023 02040 KyungHeeTKD 15-4-2023 02:02
预览 [信息分享]Kyunghee: Glimpses (snapshots) of Taekwondo Dojang跆拳道馆掠影 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 13-4-2023 01844 KyungHeeTKD 13-4-2023 23:00
预览 [信息分享]Kyunghee Taekwondo's learners in Action attach_img KyungHeeTKD 13-4-2023 01764 KyungHeeTKD 13-4-2023 00:30
预览 [信息分享]TKD trains learners to practice good sportsmanship N positive attitude attach_img KyungHeeTKD 11-4-2023 01579 KyungHeeTKD 11-4-2023 22:11
预览 [信息分享]KyungheeTKD guides the students to improve their perseverance attach_img KyungHeeTKD 10-4-2023 01750 KyungHeeTKD 10-4-2023 22:57
预览 [出售]新加坡最大型最新的健身房瑜伽馆 attach_img wxuen97 10-4-2023 12668 wxuen97 10-4-2023 16:18
预览 [出售]出个全新 直排利器 301X + 奔腾蓝省+咒语M attach_img 室内设计丶 10-4-2023 02620 室内设计丶 10-4-2023 13:39
预览 [信息分享]Taekwondo helps children strengthen their physical and mental development through a variety of exercises. attach_img KyungHeeTKD 9-4-2023 02243 KyungHeeTKD 9-4-2023 21:29
预览 [信息分享]TKD teaches students to use all parts of the body in competition attach_img KyungHeeTKD 8-4-2023 02332 KyungHeeTKD 8-4-2023 23:13
预览 [信息分享]TKD help students to create a mindset that's stable and more balanced attach_img KyungHeeTKD 8-4-2023 02502 KyungHeeTKD 8-4-2023 00:08
预览 [信息分享]TKD training process that take students' skills to the next level attach_img KyungHeeTKD 5-4-2023 02535 KyungHeeTKD 5-4-2023 23:25
预览 [信息分享]TKD coaches' persuasive guidance helps improve the skills of students attach_img KyungHeeTKD 3-4-2023 02558 KyungHeeTKD 3-4-2023 23:34
预览 [信息分享]TKD training improves students' powerful kicks N hard-hitting punches attach_img KyungHeeTKD 2-4-2023 02629 KyungHeeTKD 2-4-2023 23:13
预览 [信息分享]TKD uses scientific training that is from shallow to deep, step by step attach_img KyungHeeTKD 2-4-2023 02689 KyungHeeTKD 2-4-2023 01:09
预览 [信息分享]TKD beginners build stamina and strength through punching and kicking drills etc. attach_img KyungHeeTKD 31-3-2023 02761 KyungHeeTKD 31-3-2023 01:40
预览 [信息分享]TKD can cultivate children's adaptability and enhance self-confidence attach_img KyungHeeTKD 28-3-2023 02395 KyungHeeTKD 28-3-2023 20:44
预览 [信息分享]TKD try to inspire kids with "no shortcut in learning but hard work" attach_img KyungHeeTKD 28-3-2023 02530 KyungHeeTKD 28-3-2023 00:02
预览 [出售]<<已卖>>回国低价处理组合健身器材: 哑铃($20)+杠铃($28), 12块铁片,还有赠品。 狮城日记 27-3-2023 03684 狮城日记 27-3-2023 09:57
预览 [信息分享]TKD Dojang: a short break for students after having some hard works attach_img KyungHeeTKD 26-3-2023 02240 KyungHeeTKD 26-3-2023 17:21
预览 [信息分享]Taekwondo teaches students how to work to reached their new progress attach_img KyungHeeTKD 25-3-2023 02524 KyungHeeTKD 25-3-2023 23:06
预览 [信息分享]TKD BLOCK use various part of arm or hand to stop an incoming attack. attach_img KyungHeeTKD 25-3-2023 02411 KyungHeeTKD 25-3-2023 00:03
预览 [信息分享]TKD trains apprentices how to respond appropriately to moving targets attach_img KyungHeeTKD 24-3-2023 02535 KyungHeeTKD 24-3-2023 00:18
预览 [出售]出售9层新滑板(已出) attach_img loli86 23-3-2023 12696 loli86 27-3-2023 16:53
预览 [求购]求购自行车 手机发帖 hkkle001 23-3-2023 02186 hkkle001 23-3-2023 08:36
预览 [信息分享]TKD white belt is a start for exploring into the whole new world of the way of Taekwondo. attach_img KyungHeeTKD 22-3-2023 01876 KyungHeeTKD 22-3-2023 23:06
预览 [信息分享]Taekwondo trains young learners to prepare for future tough training. attach_img KyungHeeTKD 21-3-2023 02257 KyungHeeTKD 21-3-2023 22:32
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