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预览 [信息分享]TKD wasn't just abt kicking etc., but also abt acting honorably etc. 跆拳道不只是踢腿之类的,还包括表现得堂堂正正等等 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 26-12-2023 01744 KyungHeeTKD 26-12-2023 16:50
预览 [信息分享]TKD teaches with a fun n easy way 2encourage students 2work hard 跆拳道以轻松有趣的教学方式鼓励学生努力学习 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 4-12-2023 01736 KyungHeeTKD 4-12-2023 00:45
预览 [信息分享]提供羽毛球拍穿线服务 凡人 28-6-2023 01682 凡人 28-6-2023 22:54
预览 [信息分享]永春白鹤拳 / 黄飞鸿功夫 新人帖 Firecrackers 1-2-2014 01670 Firecrackers 1-2-2014 22:42
预览 [信息分享]TKD is a group activity that help students 2improve social skills 跆拳道是一项帮助学生提高社交能力的团体活动 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 5-12-2023 01689 KyungHeeTKD 5-12-2023 00:11
预览 [信息分享]新加波大型健身房,瑜伽馆。环境优,位置靠近mrt,按月交费,免费体验,先到先得哦 手机发帖 wxuen97 17-11-2019 11707 hidoggy 18-11-2019 02:21
预览 [信息分享]TKD gives you a sense of pride from knowing what you have accomplished跆拳道让您因知道自己取得的成就而感到自豪 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 11-2-2023 01657 KyungHeeTKD 11-2-2023 23:35
预览 [信息分享]Taekwondo teaches self-defense techniques that can help protect you in dangerous situations. attach_img KyungHeeTKD 3-2-2023 01716 KyungHeeTKD 3-2-2023 23:22
预览 [信息分享]TKD teaches different patterns to students base on their belts color 跆拳道根据学生腰带的颜色向他们转授不同拳法套路 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 19-5-2023 01676 KyungHeeTKD 19-5-2023 00:04
预览 [信息分享]跆拳道培养学生的运动能力,提高平衡能力等 Taekwondo develops students athletic abilities, improve balance skills etc. attach_img KyungHeeTKD 2-2-2023 01734 KyungHeeTKD 2-2-2023 19:29
预览 [信息分享]Kyunghee taekwondo training for beginner level attach_img KyungHeeTKD 5-2-2023 01660 KyungHeeTKD 5-2-2023 23:12
预览 [信息分享]TKD a combat sports that uses bare hands N feet to repel the opponent 跆拳道是一种徒手赤脚击退对手的格斗运动 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 21-5-2023 01662 KyungHeeTKD 21-5-2023 00:12
预览 [信息分享]Taekwondo different patterns accompany students to a higher level 跆拳道各种花式套拳都将伴随学员更上一层楼 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 12-5-2023 01703 KyungHeeTKD 12-5-2023 22:50
预览 [信息分享]Taekwondo a new form of exercise that provides a full body workout attach_img KyungHeeTKD 5-1-2023 01715 KyungHeeTKD 5-1-2023 22:58
预览 [信息分享]Taekwondo increases students attention span thru training activities attach_img KyungHeeTKD 8-1-2023 01663 KyungHeeTKD 8-1-2023 21:09
预览 [信息分享]Taekwondo required a lot of hard work and training attach_img KyungHeeTKD 6-12-2022 01683 KyungHeeTKD 6-12-2022 22:27
预览 [信息分享]跆拳道通过伸展运动、体能训练等提高学生的耐力、力量. attach_img KyungHeeTKD 16-2-2023 01739 KyungHeeTKD 16-2-2023 20:53
预览 [信息分享]跆拳道以各种训练方式来提高学徒的灵活性和力量TKD uses various type of training to improve kids flexibility and strength attach_img KyungHeeTKD 6-2-2023 01653 KyungHeeTKD 6-2-2023 19:51
预览 [信息分享]KyungheeTKD beginner, intermediate & advanced level attach_img KyungHeeTKD 19-12-2022 01713 KyungHeeTKD 19-12-2022 22:16
预览 [信息分享]羽毛球入门陪练 听见下雨的声音 20-1-2016 11703 贝贝妈 7-3-2016 14:46
预览 [信息分享]亚运韩国跳水选手出现重大失误 吞零分尴尬离场 新人帖 小资青年 3-10-2014 01596 小资青年 3-10-2014 15:37
预览 [信息分享]欧罗巴基辅戴拿模客场不失分 lwh9503 23-4-2015 01670 lwh9503 23-4-2015 18:05
预览 [信息分享]TKD dojang is a place for you to train with like-minded people 跆拳道道场是一个让你和志同道合的人一起训练的地方 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 16-12-2023 01588 KyungHeeTKD 16-12-2023 19:15
预览 [信息分享]Taekwondo is a dynamic martial art that focuses on speed, power etc. 跆拳道是一种动态武术,注重速度、力量等 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 17-2-2024 01569 KyungHeeTKD 17-2-2024 23:27
预览 [信息分享]Consistent training helps students 2better understand TKD moves etc 持续的训练有助于学员更好地理解跆拳道动作等 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 20-10-2023 01668 KyungHeeTKD 20-10-2023 23:42
预览 [信息分享]How about learning TKD to strengthen your personal qualities 学习跆拳道来增强个人素质怎么样 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 11-12-2023 01599 KyungHeeTKD 11-12-2023 23:23
预览 [信息分享]TKD teaches students to strive with determination and perseverance 教导学生奋斗的决心和毅力 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 19-7-2023 01664 KyungHeeTKD 19-7-2023 14:35
预览 [信息分享]Persistent practice makes u capable n ready 2 take on any challenges 坚持不懈的练习让你有能力并时刻准备好应对各种挑战 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 20-7-2023 01640 KyungHeeTKD 20-7-2023 17:10
预览 [信息分享]Students learn 2embrace their weaknesses n turn them into strengths 学生学会接受自己的弱点并将其转化为优势 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 18-9-2023 01658 KyungHeeTKD 18-9-2023 22:08
预览 [信息分享]TKD helps develop ur strengths n 2strive 2overcome any challenges 跆拳道有助于发展你的优势并努力克服任何挑战 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 18-12-2023 01637 KyungHeeTKD 18-12-2023 15:28
预览 [信息分享]Taekwondo helps students consume their energy and stay active 跆拳道帮助学生消耗能量但保持活跃 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 12-12-2023 01635 KyungHeeTKD 12-12-2023 21:20
预览 [信息分享]TKD uses games to teach kids how to overcome obstacles in training 跆拳道通过游戏来教孩子们如何克服训练中的障碍 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 28-6-2023 01649 KyungHeeTKD 28-6-2023 16:40
预览 [信息分享]TKD train students how 2apply skill n timing 2against an attack 跆拳道训练学生如何运用技巧和时机来抵御攻击 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 7-1-2024 01637 KyungHeeTKD 7-1-2024 22:51
预览 [信息分享]Taekwondo: persist in training and unleash your potential 坚持不懈训练,释放潜在力量 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 14-7-2023 01632 KyungHeeTKD 14-7-2023 14:10
预览 [信息分享]Taekwondo helps in weight reduction if you make it your daily routine attach_img KyungHeeTKD 12-1-2023 01578 KyungHeeTKD 12-1-2023 22:38
预览 [信息分享]It's time to seriously give it a go to reap all the benefits of TKD 是时候认真报名学习跆拳道以获得其中的好处 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 13-10-2023 01585 KyungHeeTKD 13-10-2023 23:51
预览 [信息分享]TKD games helps 2teach students things such as accuracy, speed etc. 跆拳道游戏有助于教授学生诸如准确性、速度等 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 18-10-2023 01600 KyungHeeTKD 18-10-2023 01:20
预览 [信息分享]【第二届 Six Elements 德州扑克比赛即将开始~!】 attach_img 田鼠z 6-2-2015 01638 田鼠z 6-2-2015 10:03
预览 [信息分享]Taekwondo truly is a wonderful martial art to practice and a big reason for that is because it is a great form of exercise. attach_img KyungHeeTKD 11-1-2023 01587 KyungHeeTKD 11-1-2023 21:20
预览 [信息分享]Taekwondo: have fun in the midst of hardship 跆拳道:苦中寻乐 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 13-12-2023 11627 test222222 14-12-2023 05:29
预览 [信息分享]淡滨尼瑜伽好去处,瑜伽专业毕业的印度老师指导 attach_img songwj1978 14-5-2023 01577 songwj1978 14-5-2023 16:18
预览 [信息分享]TKD: Focus on learning can get twice the result with half the effort 专注学习可以事半功倍 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 18-7-2023 01595 KyungHeeTKD 18-7-2023 15:03
预览 [信息分享]Taekwondo is a great exercise for both kids and adults 跆拳道对于儿童和成人来说都是一项很棒的运动 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 22-12-2023 01638 KyungHeeTKD 22-12-2023 15:56
预览 [信息分享]Taekwondo: the way of the hand (to punch) and foot (to kick) 跆拳道:拳(拳打)和脚(脚踢)之道 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 13-10-2023 01633 KyungHeeTKD 13-10-2023 00:39
预览 [信息分享]TKD coaches encourage students 2aim high n accomplish big goals 跆拳道教练鼓励学生志存高远,实现远大目标 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 23-1-2024 01624 KyungHeeTKD 23-1-2024 21:27
预览 [信息分享]Taekwondo training "the way of kicking and punching" makes you better focused and more heart healthy attach_img KyungHeeTKD 30-12-2022 01553 KyungHeeTKD 30-12-2022 18:19
预览 [信息分享]Taekwondo teaches students to build confidence to overcome challenges attach_img KyungHeeTKD 7-1-2023 01574 KyungHeeTKD 7-1-2023 23:31
预览 [信息分享]TKD makes you fitter, stronger and more flexible if you do it regularly attach_img KyungHeeTKD 30-1-2023 01597 KyungHeeTKD 30-1-2023 21:47
预览 [信息分享]Strength n Conditioning TKD Exercises-Vertical n Stair jumps etc 力量和体能跆拳道练习-垂直和跳横梯等 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 13-2-2024 01599 KyungHeeTKD 13-2-2024 00:33
预览 [信息分享]Taekwondo Patterns to develop sparring techniques and master body shifting attach_img KyungHeeTKD 29-12-2022 01642 KyungHeeTKD 29-12-2022 13:58
预览 [信息分享]七天健身免费试用(7 days fitness free trial pass) 新人帖 nachtstern 24-8-2014 01622 nachtstern 24-8-2014 12:19
预览 [信息分享]Taekwondo fun warm up activities for all learners attach_img KyungHeeTKD 26-12-2022 01555 KyungHeeTKD 26-12-2022 12:00
预览 [信息分享]TKD "shout" a strong exhale that brings more power and speed to attacks attach_img KyungHeeTKD 19-1-2023 01575 KyungHeeTKD 19-1-2023 22:58
预览 [信息分享]热刺客场得分的机会高 lwh9503 25-4-2015 11541 管国 27-4-2015 12:02
预览 [信息分享]TKD teaches white belt students how 2make a strong fist properly 跆拳道教白带学员如何正确握拳 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 24-11-2023 01586 KyungHeeTKD 24-11-2023 23:30
预览 [信息分享]TKD helps kids and teens how to build strength, agility and self-defense attach_img KyungHeeTKD 31-1-2023 01580 KyungHeeTKD 31-1-2023 22:21
预览 [信息分享]Taekwondo lesson that teaches students to master kick, punch and block attach_img KyungHeeTKD 7-2-2023 01634 KyungHeeTKD 7-2-2023 22:27
预览 [信息分享]Taekwondo teaches you the skills of how to self control N discipline 跆拳道教你如何自我控制和纪律的技能 attach_img KyungHeeTKD 14-5-2023 01628 KyungHeeTKD 14-5-2023 21:57
预览 [信息分享]Speed in TKD is deemed to be very important in terms of providing power. attach_img KyungHeeTKD 27-1-2023 01559 KyungHeeTKD 27-1-2023 00:00
预览 [信息分享]TKD trains learners to practice good sportsmanship N positive attitude attach_img KyungHeeTKD 11-4-2023 01592 KyungHeeTKD 11-4-2023 22:11
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