发表于 20-1-2010 20:24:42|来自:新加坡
本帖最后由 Mildlily 于 20-1-2010 20:35 编辑
Dream,我明白被人侮辱想要反击的那种感觉,因为之前我年轻时被人侮辱过差点还做了犯法的事情。现在想想不是什么大不了的事情,只是当时一口气咽不下。自己成了坏人,比那个侮辱我的坏人也差不了多少。 我不想帮你说话,但是我可以理解你现在要发疯的心态。 希望你把你的愤怒释放到你的天赋里,做出更美的摄影作品,你的PS技术也是一流,如果没有审美观是不可以做出那些图片的。不要因为坏人的攻击而变成坏人。像我当年一样。虽然年轻的愤怒冲动很难控制,但是可以想办法释放。比如我当初的愤怒让我写了无数诗篇和一本小说。
正如妞妞说说,为了反击而不顾形象,影响到别人是不对的。DREAM,希望你借我前车之鉴,收手吧,毕竟在这里那个记者都是大家所讨厌的,大家对你的印象还是不错的,知道你是受人侮辱才失态。你现在被这个人气的失控乱换马甲,随便普通人都能看出来,而这个记者则是老道的专家, 她有这点技术估计很得意,其实大家都很忙,没时间去研究,去过她那样的生活。对你和我们对记者隐身来攻击所有人的态度是不同的,但是你也别再波及无关的人。你是在明处的,和我们大家一样,不要为了一个在暗处的人浪费时间。
How do we respond positively to an insult, and even more so to a perceived insult?
There are three levels:
1) Respond but do not insult back.
2) Better than this, do not respond at all.
3) Highest of all, be happy about the insult. Look at the insult as a special opportunity for you to improve your personal attributes and skills.
To achieve these levels is of course, not easy. Still, we need to remember that such levels exist and give thought to them. For insults are an inevitable part of life. By handling them effectively, we will manage our emotions and power-drives much better when they next challenge us.
Insulting Others
One response to an insult is this: Ask yourself in which way is it that I insult others.
We have a rule that says that the way you treat your world is the way your world treats you. If then it's not treating you very well for the moment, try to find out what you are doing wrong. This is the first step always to finding a solution to our problems. |