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楼主: wlcynthia

[房产] 我在买房中遇到的意外情况:网上转帐失败卖家没有收到钱

发表于 8-7-2011 20:58:04|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
haiyan_law 发表于 8-7-2011 20:19

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发表于 8-7-2011 22:07:31|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
haiyan_law 发表于 8-7-2011 20:19



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发表于 8-7-2011 23:47:32|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 9-7-2011 01:13:53|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 sgcid 于 9-7-2011 01:30 编辑

参与讨论的人当中,很多人都不赞成打官司,你们有站在楼主的角度想吗?更大的过错在别人那儿,自己被抓住一点小错误,要承担上万元的损失,公平吗?钱是印出来的?那个卖家也是太夸张,过了14天,不卖就不卖吧,还要另外加7万就卖,我r i,开口就是7万,要是在中国,老 子啥也不说,直接干死他,吗的,垃圾的不能再垃圾,嚣张得不能再嚣张。新加坡这种人渣还不是一般的多,我碰到一个就教训一个,谁碰到我谁倒霉。


更大的过错在别人那儿,自己被抓住一点小错误,要承担上万元的损失,公平吗? --- 扯淡  详情 回复 发表于 10-7-2011 11:23
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发表于 9-7-2011 01:29:44|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
good99 发表于 8-7-2011 19:07
兄弟,关于如何理解不同意见/纠正的问题,我提出一些我自己的看法。见笑了,但后面应该是有点很有意思的: ...

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发表于 9-7-2011 01:41:12|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 9-7-2011 01:43:21|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
优士安居 发表于 8-7-2011 23:47
如果ratemouse能把案件原文弄出来给大家看就好了。因为第一个案件“复杂”,无法确定在案件1和案件2的optio ...



allowing the claim: [原告胜诉:] (1) the defendant had pleaded in his defence that the sum of S$130,000 was owed to the plaintiff by HTM [被告人名字缩写] and not by himself. Since the document DB2 stating HTM's acknowledgment of the said S$130,000 from the plaintiff was the evidence by which the defendant relied upon as proof of the fact that the loan was owed by HTM, it was admissible in evidence. Also, after considering the terms of DB2 and the definition of 'promissory note' in s 2 of the Stamp Duties Act (Cap 312), DB2 was not a promissory note and therefore admissible in evidence; (2) on the evidence before the court and after having considered the written submissions of counsel for the parties and on a balance of probabilities, the plaintiff's version of the events which took place at the office of TCH & Co was accepted. Firstly, the court found that the S$130,000 was handed over by the plaintiff to the defendant on 1 March 1985 outside the office of TCH & Co after the plaintiff had exercised the said option to purchase. Secondly, the plaintiff had agreed to purchase the property from the defendant and HTM for the sum of S$650,000 and had accepted the condition imposed by the defendant and HTM that he was to give the defendant the sum of S$130,000 in cash on the day the contract for the sale and purchase was signed and that he was to pay a deposit equivalent to 10% of the sum of S$520,000 that was recorded as the purchase price in the option, notwithstanding that the parties had agreed that the property be sold at S$650,000 to the plaintiff. Thirdly, the defendant and HTM knew that bankruptcy proceedings were pending against HTM. Fourthly, DB2 was prepared for the purpose of giving the plaintiff some form of assurance that the full purchase price would be refunded if the transaction fell through otherwise he might not have agreed to pay part of the purchase price of the property to the defendant in cash; (3) there was a binding contract of sale as there was nothing in the terms of the option which expressly or impliedly stated that the contract of sale would not come into existence at all unless the said cheque of S$47,000 was honoured upon its presentation for payment. The plaintiff had complied with the relevant term in the option in respect of exercising the option by having signed the acceptance form and delivering the said form together with the cheque for S$47,000 to the solicitors for the defendant and HTM; (4) having regard to the authorities referred to and the practice in England where the parties exchange contracts for the sale of land whereas in Singapore the parties use options for the sale of land, the provision in the option for payment of the deposit was not a condition precedent to the formation of a contract. It was a fundamental term of a contract that was concluded when the plaintiff exercised the said option to purchase the property under the terms stated therein, a breach of which entitled the vendor, if he so elects, to treat the contract as at an end and to sue for damages including the amount of the unpaid deposit; (5) although the contract of sale did not have a term which states that the property was sold subject to the bank's approval and that the contract would be null and void if the approval is not given, the defendant and HTM were not entitled to elect the contract as at an end on 7 March 1985.


+111  详情 回复 发表于 10-7-2011 11:25
非常感谢!!!  详情 回复 发表于 9-7-2011 21:19
谢谢!  详情 回复 发表于 9-7-2011 11:18
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发表于 9-7-2011 01:50:02|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 9-7-2011 01:50:57|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 9-7-2011 08:07:12|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 good99 于 10-7-2011 10:46 编辑
山谷无回声 发表于 8-7-2011 23:12
哈哈, 兄弟, 您这是要俺们来表个态啊, 好, 俺就表个态--在表态之前, 俺认真的再爬了一遍楼, 觉得还 ...
俺不敢代表别人, 但可以说俺是没有您的洞察能力, 理解能力,逻辑能力和思维能力, 所以您已经高屋建瓴地吧问题完满的解决了, 俺们还能说啥? --这样是不是比较爽,有成就感,胜利感和统治感


不过仍然希望LZ能靠自己的判断, 决定是止蚀还是力争挽回损失--毕竟俺们外人最多只有为LZ惋惜或随LZ高兴的可能, 完全没有利益牵扯的。


说真的,高屋建瓴,招人骂啊,连你这种人都讨厌它。我就是一块臭肉:lol,很多人就是因为我而打起来百倍的精神来纠缠我,其中,女性不少:loveliness:。呵呵,招惹了女人,就会被忌恨一辈子。网上大家各位小心:千万要对女人好点。这是我短视地总结出来的一个经验!  (10日更正,少了一个‘对’字,是要对女人好点)


读最后一段题外话,不禁莞尔。。。  详情 回复 发表于 10-7-2011 08:20
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