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jjrchome LV16

发表于 2-9-2011 17:07:32 | 显示全部楼层

meidance 发表于 2-9-2011 16:30

另外,想问问,关于美术,孩子从中三就没修美术了。但孩子想学 ...

就是一定要11AU才可能拿到奖学金。- 只有PSC,DSTA和A Star需要11个AUs。

孩子从中三就没修美术了。但孩子想学建筑,这个还有可能吗?没有美术成绩还可以学建筑吗? - 可以, 但是需要通过大学的绘画考试。

附: NUS建筑系的入学要求。

Applicants considering Architecture, Dentistry, Industrial Design,               Law, Medicine and Nursing, please take note of the following information:

Architecture4-year Architecture course for undergraduates.
Requirements• Good ‘A’ Level results.
•        H1/H2 ‘A’ level curriculum:                          H1 pass in Chemistry, Mathematics or Physics; OR  pass in ‘O’ level   Additional Mathematics
•        ‘A’ level curriculum:
‘AO’ Level pass in Mathematics or a Science subject                             (except Biology, Botany, Geology or Zoology).

Locals with International qualifications should have equivalent high                             school qualifications and overall good grades including                             good passes in Mathematics, Chemistry or Physics.

Polytechnic Diploma applicants should present an acceptable Diploma.
TestDate: 16 April 2011
Note: Please check back regularly for updates                           on test venue and time.
Interview Date: 16 and 17 April 2011
Note: Please check back regularly for updates                           on test venue and time.
Other                             information Beginning in AY2011, applicants shortlisted for Architecture and Industrial Design must attend separate interviews and tests conducted by the School of Design and Environment.

Further details will be furnished to shortlisted applicants via email and / or post. Applicants are advised to maintain a functional email at all times.

For further information, please refer to the School                             of Design & Environment.

Dentistry4-year Dentistry course for                           undergraduates.

jjrchome LV16

发表于 2-9-2011 17:12:44 | 显示全部楼层

本帖最后由 jjrchome 于 2-9-2011 19:07 编辑
meidance 发表于 2-9-2011 16:50
The subjects contribute to a University admission score.

Each H2 subject has a maximum of 20 point ...

2011年新加坡本地大学录取分数线以及往年统计 (转贴)

下面转载一篇文章,总结了091011三年新加坡本地三所大学:新加坡国立大学NUS,南洋理工大学NTU和新加坡管理大学SMU各科的录取分数线,仅供大家参考。其中NIE是南洋理工下面附属的师范学院,简称教育学院吧!原本是英文的,我翻译了一下。以下简称NUS,NTU, NIESMU,大家自己对照。


87.50 AAA/A NUSMedicine医学*

再比如:72.50 BBC/C NTU ComputerScience计算机 (72.50 BBC/C) (70.00 BCC/C)

Calculation of University Admission Score (forStandard subject combination)


Local universities take into account all six subjects (3 H2, 3 H1;in a case of a student with 4 H2, the H2 with the worst grade willbe directly converted to a H1 - i.e. a B in your 4th H2 will becomea H1 B).

本地大学一共参考学生的6个科目,其中4H2学科(把其中最差的一科当成H1计算)或者3H21H1PWGP。每科都有A,B, C, D, E, S,U,7个等级,其中SU是不及格。

Each H2 subject has a maximum of 20 points for an A, with adecrement of 2.5 points for each grade (i.e. A-20; B-17.5; C-15etc.).

Each H1 subject has a maximum of 10 points for anA, with a decrement of 1.25 points for each grade (i.e. A-10,B-8.75; C-7.5 etc.)



2011 等级积分 /录取线/大学 /专业 / (2010录取线)(2009 录取线)

87.50 AAA/A NUS国立大学 Medicine医学* (87.50 AAA/A) (87.50 AAA/A)
87.50 AAA/A NUS国立大学 Law法律* (87.50 AAA/A) (87.50 AAA/A)
87.50 AAA/A NUS 国立大学Dentistry牙科* (87.50 AAA/A) (87.50 AAA/A)

85.00 AAA/A SMU 管理大学Law法律 (85.00 AAA/A) (83.75 AAA/B)
85.00 AAA/A NUS国立大学 Pharmacy药剂 (85.00 AAA/A) (83.75 AAA/B)
85.00 AAA/A NUS国立大学 Business Admin (Accountancy)商学与会计学(83.75 AAA/B)(83.75 AAA/B)
85.00 AAA/A NTU南洋理工 Chemical & BiomolecularEngineering生化工程 (83.75 AAA/B) (80.00 ABB/A)

83.75 AAA/B NUS国立大学 Industrial & SystemsEngineering工业系统工程 (85.00 AAA/A) (85.00 AAA/A)
83.75 AAA/B NUS国立大学 Chemical Engineering化学工程 (85.00 AAA/A) (85.00AAA/A)
83.75 AAA/B NUS国立大学 Business Admin商学 (82.50 AAA/C) (81.25AAB/B)
83.75 AAA/B NTU南洋理工 Aerospace Engineering航天工程 (83.75 AAA/B) (83.75AAA/B)

82.50 AAB/A NTU南洋理工 Maritime Studies海事航海(80.00 ABB/A) (78.75ABB/B)
82.50 AAB/A NTU南洋理工 Accountancy*会计学(83.75 AAA/B) (81.25AAB/B)
82.50 AAA/C NUS国立大学 Environment Engineering 环境工程(85.00 AAA/A)(85.00 AAA/A)

81.25 AAB/B SMU管理大学 Economics经济 (77.50 ABB/C) (76.25 BBB/B)
81.25 AAB/B SMU管理大学 Accountancy会计 (81.25 AAB/B) (80.00 ABB/A)
81.25 AAB/B NTU南洋理工 Environmental Engineering环境工程 (78.75 ABB/B)(78.75 ABB/B)
81.25 AAB/B NTU南洋理工 Business*商学 (83.75 AAA/B) (81.25 AAB/B)

78.75 ABB/B NUS国立大学 Science科学(包括数理化生各科) (78.75 ABB/B) (76.25BBB/B)
78.75 ABB/B NUS国立大学 Computing (Computer Science)计算机(计算机理论专业) (76.25BBB/B) (71.25 BCC/B)
78.75 ABB/B NUS国立大学 Bioengineering生物工程 (80.00 AAB/C) (80.00ABB/A)
78.75 ABB/B NUS国立大学 Arts & Social Sciences人文与艺术(77.50 ABB/C) (72.50 BBC/C)
78.75 ABB/B NTU南洋理工 Mathematics & Economics数学与经济双学位(78.75 ABB/B) (78.75 ABB/B)
78.75 ABB/B NTU南洋理工 Communication Studies*传媒研究 (78.75 ABB/B) (75.00BBB/C)
78.75 ABB/B NTU南洋理工 Chemistry & BiologicalChemistry化学/生化 (76.25 BBB/B) (75.00 BBB/C)

77.50 ABB/C SMU管理大学 Business Management商务管理 (77.50 ABB/C) (78.75ABB/B)
77.50 ABB/C NUS国立大学 Materials Science &Engineering材料科学与工程 (82.50 AAA/C) (85.00 AAA/A)
77.50 ABB/C NUS国立大学 Engineering Science工程院(主要是物理) (80.00 AAB/C)(77.50 BBB/A)
77.50 ABB/C NUS国立大学 Computing (Information Systems)计算机(信息系统专业)((76.25 BBB/B) (71.25 BCC/B)

76.25 BBB/B SMU管理大学 Social Sciences 人文科目(73.75 BBC/B) (73.75BBC/B)
76.25 BBB/B NTU南洋理工 Psychology心理学 (75.00 BBC/A) (76.25 BBB/B)
76.25 BBB/B NUS国立大学 Real Estate房地产 (75.00 BBB/C) (73.75BBC/B)
76.25 BBB/B NUS国立大学 Computer Engineering计算机工程 (75.00BBB/C)
76.25 BBB/B NUS国立大学 Architecture*建筑 (75.00 BBB/C) (70.00BCC/C)
76.25 BBB/B NTU南洋理工 Mathematical Sciences数学系 (76.25 BBB/B) (76.25BBB/B)
76.25 BBB/B NTU南洋理工 Biological Sciences*生物系 (73.75 BBC/B) (72.50BBC/C)

75.00 BBC/A NTU南洋理工 Sport Science &Management体育科学与管理 (80.00 AAB/C)
75.00 BBC/A NTU南洋理工 Bioengineering生物工程 (75.00 BBC/A) (73.75BBC/B)
75.00 BBB/C NTU南洋理工 Sociology* 社会学(68.75 CCC/B) (71.25 BCC/B)
75.00 BBB/C NUS国立大学 Project & FacilitiesManagement项目与设施管理 (76.25 BBB/B) (72.50 BBC/C)
75.00 BBB/C NUS国立大学 Mechanical Engineering机械工程 (78.75 ABB/B) (77.50BBB/A)
75.00 BBB/C NUS国立大学 Electrical Engineering电子工程 (75.00 BBB/C) (75.00BBB/C)
75.00 BBB/C NUS国立大学 Civil Engineering土木工程 (76.25 BBB/B) (72.50BBC/C)
75.00 BBB/C NUS国立大学 Arts & Social Sciences艺术与人文科目(MT related) (75.00 BBB/C)
75.00 BBB/C NTU南洋理工 Physics / Applied Physics物理与运用物理 (75.00 BBB/C)(68.75 CCC/B)
75.00 BBB/C NTU南洋理工 Economics* 经济(76.25 BBB/B) (78.75 ABB/B)

73.75 BBC/B NUS国立大学 Industrial Design*工业设计 (70.00 BCC/C) (68.75CCC/B)
73.75 BBC/B NUS国立大学 Engineering工程 (78.75 ABB/B) (77.50 BBB/A)
73.75 BBC/B NTU南洋理工 Materials Engineering材料工程 (72.50 BBC/C) (71.25BCC/B)
73.75 BBC/B NTU南洋理工Information Engineering &Media信息工程与传媒 (72.50 BBC/C) (75.00 BBB/C)

72.50 BBC/C NTU南洋理工 Computer Science计算机理论 (72.50 BBC/C) (70.00BCC/C)
72.50 BBC/C NTU南洋理工 Computer Engineering计算机工程 (73.75 BBC/B) (70.00BCC/C)
72.50 BBC/C NIE教育学院 Science (Education)科学科目教育 (67.50 CCC/C) (67.50CCC/C)
72.50 BBC/C NIE教育学院 Arts (Education)文科教育 (67.50 CCC/C) (67.50CCC/C)
72.50 BBC/C NTU南洋理工 Linguistics & MultilingualStudies*语言研究(各语种) (70.00 BCC/C) (70.00 BCC/C)

71.25 BCC/B NUS国立大学 Nursing*护理/护士 (68.75 CCC/B) (62.50 CDD/C)
71.25 BCC/B NTU南洋理工 Mechanical Engineering机械工程 (71.25 BCC/B) (70.00BCC/C)
71.25 BCC/B NTU南洋理工 Engineering工程 (71.25 BCC/B) (68.75 CCC/D)
71.25 BCC/B NTU南洋理工 Electrical & ElectronicEngineering电子工程 (70.00 BCC/C) (70.00 BCC/C)
71.25 BCC/B NTU南洋理工 Civil Engineering土木工程 (70.00 BCC/C) (67.50CCC/C)
71.25 BCC/B NTU南洋理工 Chinese华文 (67.50 CCC/C) (67.50 CCC/C)
71.25 BCC/B NTU南洋理工 English* 英文(70.00 BCC/C) (67.50 CCC/C)

70.00 BCC/C SMU管理大学 Information Systems Management 信息系统管理(70.00BCC/C) (71.25 BCC/B)

62.50 CDD/C NTU南洋理工 Art, Design & Media*美术设计与传媒(62.50 CDD/C) (58.75 DDD/D)

* Courses that require interview &/or test.


meidance LV13

发表于 2-9-2011 17:43:07 | 显示全部楼层

jjrchome 发表于 2-9-2011 17:12
2011年新加坡本地大学录取分数线以及往年统计 (转贴)
http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog ...


jjrchome LV16

发表于 2-9-2011 17:49:20 | 显示全部楼层

meidance 发表于 2-9-2011 16:43
H2地理都学些什么?(那个英文我不太会看)容易取得好成绩吗? ...



要有心理准备, H2H3的课程没一门是容易的。

jjrchome LV16

发表于 2-9-2011 20:06:31 | 显示全部楼层

本帖最后由 jjrchome 于 2-9-2011 20:10 编辑
yyjh2011 发表于 2-9-2011 17:02
哗!你真是懂得很多,可以解析一下njc的情况和他们读AP是不是一定要去美国读大学吗? ...



除了美国,还有55个国家承认AP成绩。在这些国家,AP成绩对入学和大学学分方面有一定的的帮助,因此很多华中和莱佛士书院的学生都会选择参加AP考试。AP考试的深度和难度虽不及A Level,但覆盖面和灵活程度却是A Level所不能比的。

想了解承认AP成绩的国家和地区,请看 www.collegeboard.com/apintl
要了解“value of AP Exam grades at the colleges”, 请看 www.collegeboard.com/ap/creditpolicy


APs: nearly useless for admissions, but no point not taking it. More and more top students from other schools such as RJC and HCI are taking APs as well, and they take loads at a go by self studying. APs are a lot easier than A levels, and these top students just cram the studying in a month or 2 and get 5s anyway. It’s easier because APs test for breadth while A levels are more of ‘depth’, so knowing a little about everything will suffice for APs. Many Americans also take about 5 to 6 APs in their senior year.

So if top students are doing APs and some have A level results too does doing APs really give you the advantage? I dont think so.

I wont say that APs are entirely useless, because they lend credit to your curriculum and rigour. It’s a standardized test after all, so getting a 5 in every AP exam says something when you are compared to the rest of the world. Being in a school with everyone getting 5s say something about your standard in comparison with everyone else, and that’s what our school needs before people are willing to recognize our rigorous curriculum.

So when AP time comes, please do help one another because it raises the school name, now you are no longer competing against one another but competing with the rest of the world – some students dont seem to grasp that – it’s one thing to be selfish during exam time, it’s another to be selfish during AP time.

I am a little thankful for doing APs too because it allows me to skip some modules in US universities. I think A levels allow you to skip too (I am not sure) but for APs it’s a definite. Each university has their policy online.

Another reason to do APs is because based on the school curriculum, you have enough knowledge to ace the APs so why not have a 5 on your paper than not have a 5? Makes you look better too.

In terms of university applications, schools tend to look at everything in context – including whether or not you have taken the most challenging courseload, so taking the maximum amount of APs would be an extra testament to that in addition to your majors and honours.

In terms of scholarship applications, cant really comment because I have never put any AP results on my scholarship applications – there isnt a space to put it on Brightsparks and when people ask you to submit your results you submit your school diploma (cos the curriculum is more rigorous) and not your AP results.

Overall verdict: After university it will be useful, dont expect it to boost your university application by too much though. Take it anyway cos it’s a waste not to.


AP在新加坡有考点吗?还是要去报考大学的国家考  详情 回复 发表于 9-1-2012 11:56

jjrchome LV16

发表于 2-9-2011 20:53:53 | 显示全部楼层

刘皮皮 发表于 2-9-2011 16:01
天哪, 百科全书, 这样多, 会消化不良的...

问一个题外话, 其实我在另一个贴子里有问过.

“o-level不错的成绩, 就可以去英美开始读不错的大学”是不错,我身边就有这样的例子,现在孩子都开始读经济学硕士了,她的女同学才读到大二,男同学才刚服完兵役。 但是这样可能会有以下的问题:-

1.  “不错的大学”是指一些非一流的大学,多数家长心目中的著名大学是没有可能上的;
2.  不能上物美价廉的本地大学;
3.  不能拿奖学金;
4.  不能申请无息贷款;
5. 孩子太小出国,生活学习社交方面可能会碰到困难;  
6.  因为少读两年的缘故,知识面较窄;
7. 少了一些社交网络;
8. 一些国家要求先读一年预科。

当然这也是因人而异的,有些牛娃O level过后去欧美大学读书,后来以优异的成绩转入著名大学,还有一些毕业后进入藤校继续深造。也有一些华中莱佛士的孩子选择了这条路,虽没有O level成绩,但后来也凭大学预科的优异成绩进入不错的大学。


刘皮皮 LV9

发表于 2-9-2011 21:11:09 | 显示全部楼层

jjrchome 发表于 2-9-2011 20:53
“o-level不错的成绩, 就可以去英美开始读不错的大学”是不错,我身边就有这样的例子,现在孩子都开始读 ...


春满月圆 LV15

发表于 2-9-2011 21:16:17 | 显示全部楼层


刘皮皮 LV9

发表于 2-9-2011 21:32:00 | 显示全部楼层

春满月圆 发表于 2-9-2011 21:16

对,对,对。春版, 太对了,我也正愁呢,正想全都copy下来保存呢。


月光光 LV7

发表于 2-9-2011 21:44:21 | 显示全部楼层

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