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房禹彤 LV14

发表于 19-10-2012 15:36:47 | 显示全部楼层



不知道这个“难”是指什么方面?就学习而言,孩子的适应性应该是很强的  详情 回复 发表于 20-10-2012 08:48

sh63772260 LV6

发表于 20-10-2012 03:54:11 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

良辰美景 发表于 28-6-2012 11:02
说句让LZ不受用的话吧,假如你是陪读妈妈的话,单身一个女人带着孩子在这边找房子找工作,不 ...

lz开始就表明身份的呀! 另外,说句难听的,新加坡这个国家做陪读就需要金钱的support .他的物价就这么摆在那里。以前有理走天下,现在不管是不是在资本主义国家都是有钱走天下。如果真的很拮据,那来这肯定痛苦。什么都得1:5。 楼主的生活水平肯定和有一群人相当,看也是这群人在看。这和分级读物差不多。各种level的妈妈看和自己相近那个级别就行。


赞!  发表于 1-6-2016 20:21
赞!  详情 回复 发表于 22-1-2013 16:13

sh63772260 LV6

发表于 20-10-2012 04:31:17 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

可怜天下父母心 发表于 16-8-2012 23:01
你也太小看新加坡的奥数了!去年国际奥数竞赛,新加坡团队获全球第三名。其中第二,第四,第六名全是新加 ...



我们在国内上到3年级,今年6月底过来,我怎么觉得国内没有这么强调奥数,我们也没有参加过奥数班。来到这边才发现搞或者说谈奥数的人还真多。  详情 回复 发表于 21-10-2012 15:04
是哦,我现在觉得可能上海只是早了点,但是到后来拓展的余地可能受限,而这里小的时候看似简单,到了智力发展到一定程度后,扩展地面就更广了  详情 回复 发表于 20-10-2012 08:47


发表于 20-10-2012 09:13:38 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层



谢谢,对大家有帮助这是我的心愿  详情 回复 发表于 20-10-2012 09:42

有容 LV4

发表于 21-10-2012 04:30:27 | 显示全部楼层

aitid LV7

发表于 21-10-2012 09:15:53 | 显示全部楼层

xijy31 发表于 4-10-2012 21:55
明日是新加坡的儿童节,中国的孩子们很开心哦,可以过我们自己的六一儿童节,又可以过这里的儿童节哦。在此 ...



外国人的话总共是$53+,零头记不得了,而且我记得是一年的,第二年还需要付费  详情 回复 发表于 24-10-2012 12:15

emilily LV4

发表于 21-10-2012 11:39:43 | 显示全部楼层

aitid 发表于 21-10-2012 09:15
我们现在每周三个下午泡在图书馆,只看不借,呵呵,图书馆 ...

办的时候记得带上cashcard,nets card,或ez-link card,那里不收现金的。

sh63772260 LV6

发表于 21-10-2012 23:33:18 | 显示全部楼层


jjrchome LV16

发表于 22-10-2012 16:00:09 | 显示全部楼层

本帖最后由 jjrchome 于 22-10-2012 16:02 编辑
xijy31 发表于 28-9-2012 15:44
对哦,这里的图书馆很好的咧,每周六都去那边看书,女儿很喜欢,我也很喜欢那样的气氛,很多家长在念绘本 ...


去图书馆借书还书有点“麻烦”, 特别是对于我这样爱偷懒的人。因此。。。分享一下从国家图书馆借阅电子书的方法(里面有很多儿童读物):

1. Go to this link from the NLB site. Click on number 5, the overdrive site highlighted below.

2. You'll be prompted to log in using your NRIC, the first word of your name and your date of birth. If you are not a member yet, just join in. It's free and it takes only a few minutes to sign up.

3. Once you logged in, you'll be back to the screen in 1. Click on the same thing again, and another tab will open up with the opendrive website. You can search for books here. But most require you to download Adobe Digital Editions because the books that you can 'borrow' comes with DRM (digitilized rights management). You have to downloaded the Adobe software first before downloading the ebooks. After that, you can just click on the ebook and open it with the adobe digital edition. Since this is a library afterall, you need to 'return' the book after a number of days. In this case, after 21 days, the book that you downloaded will expire and you can no longer read them. Please don't send the expired downloaded books back to NLB by email, lol!

4. For example, if I liked this particular book, Zombie Economics. I can see that there are 1 library copy in total and 1 available copy for me to borrow. I think due to IP requirements, NLB cannot just let a lot of users download the ebook. It's silly, really, so let's hope this kind of thing that governs physical books be removed when it comes to ebooks. You just click on the add to cart button, highlighted below.

Then click on the proceed to checkout button to go through the transaction. After clicking that, you'll be asked to enter you NRIC and date of birth (again) before you can go on to the next step. So enter them. You'll then see a screen telling you how many books you can borrow. If you're a normal member like I am, you'll be able to borrow up to 6 books, each book being 21 days before expiry.

5. Once you confirmed the checkout, you'll proceed to the download screen. Here, it's important to download the Adobe Digital edition software (free of course), before you download the ebook. The ebook that is downloaded here has DRM and has limited reading period (it expires after 21 days), hence you need another software to prevent piracy. So click on the purple highlighted link first before you download the ebook.

You'll see two available softwares here. I selected on the Adobe Digital Edition. Not sure how the Overdrive media console is about, but you can try. Both should work. Anyway, for illustration purpose, select the highlighted one.

It'll bring you to adobe website where you can download the required software. Before you can access it, you can need to have an adobe id, which means an email and a password to have an account with them. Once that is done, you can finally click on the download button (highlighted pink) from the screenshot above this current one. Save it somewhere and click on it. It should open up Adobe digital edition and you can read the book off your desktop or laptop. If it doesn't open up, right click and choose to open with adobe digital edition.

This is how the adobe digital edition looks like. There's also 'days left to expiry' on each borrowed book.

Happy reading!

There's quite a few selection from just that overdrive site alone. If you're interested in children's books, you can select other links, though personally I've not tried it before, so no advice from me there. You can even browse singapore historical books and documents. Those are very interesting. Like this link, it'll lead you to a book that contains historical photos of Singapore in the 1900s. If you're so inclined to read the memoirs and even orbituary of Raffles, you can also find it somewhat there. It's almost like I've stumbled into an Indiana Jones' tomb of ancient historical relics!




耶!!!感谢J版,真是太好了,我正需要这个呢,感谢J版来丰富这里的内容  详情 回复 发表于 24-10-2012 12:16
学习了  详情 回复 发表于 23-10-2012 12:53

aitid LV7

发表于 22-10-2012 18:14:03 | 显示全部楼层

emilily 发表于 21-10-2012 11:39
办的 ...

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