发表于 1-10-2012 14:01:16|来自:新加坡
露露XD 发表于 29-9-2012 22:16
她回想起两年前的GEP第二轮考试,说数学考的 ...
有2道 GEP P4 SA2的数学考题(来源: http://www.kiasuparents.com/kiasu/forum/viewtopic.php?f=67&t=25121 ), 大家看看难度如何
1. In a group of children, the mean age of the children is 10 years. If the mean age of the 8 boys was 15 years, the mean age of the girls was 6 years. How many children were there altogether?
2. 44 boys and 47 girls want to school camp. The pupils were put into groups. There was an equal no. Of pupils in each group. The number of groups is larger than the number of pupils in each group.
A) how many groups were there?
In each group, the no of boys was 1 more or1 less than the no of girls,
B) how many groups had more girls than boys?