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楼主: 银牌助教

[房产] 论吉隆坡的一处房产,照片83楼,探讨99楼

发表于 7-3-2013 09:29:52|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 7-3-2013 09:33:06|来自:新加坡 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
蛋蛋2009 发表于 7-3-2013 09:29

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发表于 7-3-2013 09:57:23|来自:新加坡 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 7-3-2013 10:18:28|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
scane 发表于 7-3-2013 09:33

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发表于 7-3-2013 11:17:40|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
银牌助教 发表于 6-3-2013 20:48
恭喜楼主, 请教下,若按照外国人的标准 first downpayment 需要%?然后怎么样分阶段的在TOP之前付完30% ...

继续请教楼主,新房什么时候可以转售呢?费率会有不同么?还有请问您有没有过了解现在大马楼市处于什么阶段呢?是刚开始上涨还是涨过一段时间了?现在距离2-3 年前涨了多少了?
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使用道具 举报

发表于 7-3-2013 14:32:27|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
5年的组屋监还没完可以买吗? (两公婆都是PR),谢谢!


同样问题??  详情 回复 发表于 7-3-2013 17:38
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使用道具 举报

发表于 7-3-2013 15:13:34|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
这个帖子里提到land title是商业的。这个有什么好坏呢?
还有如果是商业的,是不是不受HDB MOP限制呢?
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使用道具 举报

发表于 7-3-2013 19:06:35|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 银牌助教 于 7-3-2013 19:11 编辑
sin2009 发表于 7-3-2013 15:13
这个帖子里提到land title是商业的。这个有什么好坏呢 ...
这个帖子里提到land title是商业的。这个有什么好坏呢?

还有如果是商业的,是不是不受HDB MOP限制呢?
国外商业房产是否受mop 的限制,我想,这个问题要问HDB的。不过,回答将会是磨棱两可的标准答案。

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使用道具 举报

发表于 7-3-2013 19:18:04|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 银牌助教 于 10-3-2013 22:41 编辑
zhao5576 发表于 7-3-2013 14:32
5年的组屋监还没完可以买吗? (两公婆都是PR),谢谢!

5年的组屋监还没完可以买吗? (两公婆都是PR),谢谢!

Flat owners and occupiers are allowed to invest in private properties (both local and overseas). However, they must meet certain eligibility conditions before they do so.

  • Flat owners and occupiers of the following sold flats are allowed to purchase private residential property (both local and overseas) if the flat owners have fulfilled the minimum occupation period for their flat. However, they must meet certain eligibility conditions.

  • Singapore Permanent Resident flat owners and/or essential family members who have met the minimum occupation period for their flat are required to notify HDB of their purchase of the local private residential property before they exercise the Option-To-Purchase (OTP) for the property. They would also be required to undertake to sell their HDB flat within 6 months of acquisition of a completed or uncompleted local private residential property.

Types of HDB Sold Flats
Eligibility Condition
Flats bought directly from HDB

    The flat owners must satisfy the required MOP for their flats before acquiring private residential property
Resale flats purchased with CPF Housing Grant
DBSS flats purchased directly from Developer
Replacement flats bought directly from HDB under the Selective En-Bloc Redevelopment Scheme (SERS)
Resale flats purchased without CPF Housing Grant [for resale applications submitted on or after 30 Aug 2010]
Resale flats purchased without CPF Housing Grant [for resale applications submitted before 30 Aug 2010]

    There is no need to satisfy the required MOP for their flats before acquiring private residential property.

  • There is no limit on the number of private properties that a flat owner or occupier can purchase.
  • The private residential property can still be under construction or is ready for possession.
  • Periods of non-occupation such as subletting of whole flat or any infringement of the lease of the flat, will be excluded in the minimum occupation period.
  • Singapore Citizen flat owners and occupiers must continue to stay in their HDB flat after the purchase of the private residential property unless prior approval from HDB is obtained to sublet the whole flat.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 7-3-2013 20:47:57|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层

之前卖过Iskandar,woodland过关后开车10分钟之内能到的landed,具体就不方便透露哪个盘了。几十万马币的就能买很大一间landed,所以很多人有兴趣,收了很多定金,最后几乎都退了。因为拿不到loan,buyer收入都很不错,而且又跟新加坡有没有existing loan无关,但就是不批,算下来至少要给40%以上的现金,很多人退了,sales team的同事们也白跑了很多次,后来也就慢慢不怎么有人愿意去卖了,只带有很多现金的buyer去看。

现在developer跟agent依然对外声称能拿到70-80% loan,截止到去年底,我知道的唯一一个拿到60%的人,有很硬的关系直接找到OCBC(也可能是其他新加坡银行,记不清了) KL总部的高层的人出面才拿到的。不知道现在是不是还这样,提醒有兴趣买马来西亚房产的人,给定金前写清楚拿不到你要的loan amount能不能退定金。

另据KL的同事说(未经证实),真正的有投资价值的好盘一出来就被本地人买到差不多了,发展商也没兴趣卖给新加坡人。有见过一个guarantee return 6%的finance plan,因为马来西亚贷款利息太高,4%以上,算下来一年根本就收不回手里多少钱,回报还不如Aljunied那边的studio unit。

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