发表于 18-3-2013 15:28:44|来自:欧洲
kindness 发表于 18-3-2013 14:31
Retro 复古
retrolicious clothing 复古风格的衣服
欢迎sharing !!!
以前一直以为复古就是vintage,研究了一下才发现,中文都叫复古,但其实英文vintage, antique 和retro 各有各的年月。
antiques: an antique is "a work of art, piece of furniture, or decorative object made at an earlier period and according to various customs laws at least 100 years ago." So, if your grandmother has given you a dress from the 1900's, that is technically considered an antique and should not be referred to as vintage.
vintage:Although widely misused, the term "vintage" refers to an item that is at least 20 years old or more。 Some insist that the term vintage should not be applied to any object under 50 years old. This is currently up in the air, but at least twenty years is the accepted age to deem objects under the "vintage" category. True vintage could be categorized at least 50 years old. "New vintage" is a term I've heard describing 1980's barely vintage items.
Retro: retro simply refers to anything that looks out of style for the current time period. This could be clothing that was popular in the late 1990's (not technically vintage, yet) or any new design that references designs or ideas of the past. This also seems to be somewhat interchangeable with the word, "vintage inspired."