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[分享推荐] 我的英文学习之路(知识版)

发表于 29-7-2013 11:09:05|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 lazytiger 于 16-8-2013 13:54 编辑






2.1         医疗词汇
2.2         学系词汇
2.3         语法和标点词汇 (Syntax and Punctuation)
2.4         水果词汇
2.5         生物学、动物词汇
2.6         动作词汇
2.7         政治词汇
2.8         体育词汇
2.9         科学词汇
2.10      其他词汇
5.1         经济与市场
5.2         法律
5.3         选举
5.4         体育


发表于 29-7-2013 11:09:34|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 lazytiger 于 16-8-2013 13:57 编辑


2.1 医疗词汇

Amnesia 健忘症
Anemia 贫血症 (英、美文的拼写不同)
Plethora 多血症
Anorexia 厌食症
Asthma 哮喘症
Autism 自闭症
Acrophobia 恐高症
Cardiologist 心脏学家
Cardiac arrest 心脏停搏
Diabetes 糖尿病
Dyslexia 阅读障碍
Dementia 痴呆症
Trauma 创伤;损伤;痛苦经历
Gall bladder 胆囊
Tuberculosis 肺结核
Pancreas 胰腺
Pneumonia 肺炎
Womb 子宫
Hyperventilate 过度呼吸
Halitosis 口臭(美)
Eczema 湿疹
Hormone 荷尔蒙
Secrete 分泌
Lethargy 嗜眠症
Insomnia 失眠症
Giddiness 眩晕
Obesity 肥胖症
Emaciation 消瘦
Monomania 偏狂症;狂热症
Myopia 近视眼
Paranoid 悲观性的焦虑(我自己的感觉)
Dipsomania 嗜酒症
Hemorrhage 出血
Platelet 血小板
Navel 肚脐
Groin 腹股沟
Schizophrenic 精神分裂症的
Dialysis 透析(肾脏)

2.2 学系词汇

Demography 人口统计学
Cytology 细胞学
Ecologist 生态学家
Gerontology 老人病学
Botany 植物学 (让我联想到botanic garden,植物园!)
Anthropology 人类学
Histology 细胞组织学(每看一次都以为历史学家,汗!)
Meteorology 气象学
Ornithology 鸟类学
Paleontology 古生物学
Pathology 病理学
Petrology 岩石学
Pharmacology 药理学,药物学
Psychiatrist 精神病专家
Dietetics 饮食学 ,营养学
Philology 语言学
Gynecologist 妇女学家
Pediatrics 小儿科

2.3 语法和标点符号词汇

Phrasal verb 动词组
Past tense 过去式
Plural form 复数形式
Singular 单数形式
Uncountable/countable noun 不可数/可数名词(注意uncountablecountless的区别)
Non specific/specific noun 不特指/特指名词
Vowel sound 元音
Subjunctive mood 虚拟语气
Indicative mood 陈述语气
Imperative mood 祈使语气
Gerund 动名词
Preposition 介词
Metaphor 隐喻
Subject 主语
Object 宾语 (主语和宾语让我联想到主观和客观的两个词)
Interrogative sentence 疑问句
Subordinate clause 从句
Main clause 主句
Pronoun 代词
Attributive clause 定语从句
Personal pronoun 人称代词 (比如:I, you, she, he
Demonstrative pronoun 指示代词 (比如:this, that)
Relative pronoun 关系代词
Conjunction 连词
Comma 逗号
Colon 冒号
Full stop 句号
Suspension points 省略号
Slash 下滑线
Underline 下划线
Book title mark 书名号
Quotation mark 引号
Exclamation mark 感叹号

2.4 水果蔬菜词汇

Broccoli 西兰花
Fennel 茴香
Pepper 青椒
Chard 甜菜
Celery 芹菜
Pomegranate 石榴
Kiwi 猕猴桃
2.5 生物学词汇
Microbes 微生物
Terrestrial 陆地生物
Reptile 爬行动物
Mammal 哺乳动物
Primate 灵长目动物(提问:什么是灵长目?)
Lineage 血统
Endow 赋予

2.6 动作词汇

Creep 缓慢的长时间的爬、移动
Cramp 抽筋
Jerk (vi. n) 猛地拉
Flutter 拍打(翅膀);(红旗)飘扬
Grimace (vi. n) 做鬼脸
Grin (露牙)笑
Smirk 傻笑
Groan (疼痛引发的)嚎叫
Grumble 埋怨
Moan (情绪低沉感)呻吟
Murmur  vs. Mutter(声音低沉感)呻吟
Nibble 鼻子嗅
Nip 掐断
Pinch 捏、掐
Shove 用力推
Slice 切成片
Stammer 口吃
Swagger 大摇大摆地走
Warp 翘起来
Rake 用耙子搂
Flick 快速翻动、拨弄
Hobble vs. Limp 蹒跚,腿脚不利索地走 (这里暂不做区别)
Loiter vs. Linger 徘徊、留连(这里暂不做区别)
Tumble vs. Trip 摔倒(这里暂不做区别)
Peer 偷看
Pluck 拨弄(琴弦)
Sniff 抽鼻子(轻蔑感)
Giggle 清脆地笑
Flop down to Chair
Wipe 挥动
Munch 出声地吃东西
Wink 传递眼神
Shrug 耸肩
Snort 哼鼻子(轻蔑感)
Rummage 翻包
Snap 呵斥
Pat 拍(比如拍了拍肩膀)
Mumble (不清楚地感觉)
Wince 避开,闪躲(心理上的)
Gasp (用力喘气,倒吸气)
Growl 发怒的声音(低沉)
Blush 脸红
Shuffle your feet along 托着脚走路
Scoop sb.up
Wail vs. Weep 前者大声哭,后者小声哭;
Yelp 兴奋地叫


Putative adversaries 假想敌
Curb 限制(权力)
Communist party congress 人民代表大会
Leadership turnover 领导换届
Electoral calendar 竞选日程
Palace coups 宫廷政变
Purge 肃清
Authoritarian 集权主义 (注意和dictatorship独裁主义的区别)
Predecessor 前任者
Incumbent 在任者
Successor 继任者
Hawkish 鹰派的;强硬主义的

2.8 体育词汇

Phenomenal swim (我理解为)公开(游泳)比赛
Breakout swim (我理解为)一举成名的一场游泳比赛
Goggle 游泳眼镜
Cap 游泳帽子
Equestrian 骑马
Water ballerina 水上芭蕾
Gymnast 体操健美运动员
159 pinfalls pinfalls是golf比赛的分数纪录单位
Groom 专门培训
Take in one’s stride :manage easily
Investigation for doping doping是药物
Biennial competition 两年一度的比赛
Pole Vaulter 撑杆跳
Duo 双人组合
Quartet 四人组合

2.9 科学词汇

Earth goes around Sun. 地球绕着太阳转
Theory of universal gravitation 万有引力定律
Theory of special relativity 狭义相对论
Theory of general relativity 广义相对论
Pyramid 金字塔
Industrial revolution
Nicolas Copernicus 哥白尼
Proton, Neuton, Electron, Quark
They whizz around it, in layers known as shells.
Inert or noble Gas 惰性气体
Similar gas give off other colors.
Innermost/outermost layer
Ionic link; covalent link;
The same matter or substance can change state, from solid to liquid.
Exhaust fume (车)的尾气
Melting point; boiling point
Liquid form; solid form; gaseous form;
Kinetic energy
Sugar is solute, water is solvent; the solute in the solvent make up a solution.
Strong detergents disperse polluting oil slicks.
As each drip of water falls, it leaves behind its minerals.
As rain water soaks into the soil and trickles down through tiny cracks in the rock.
The fire goes out.
Fruit goes bad or rotten
False teeth
Nuclear fusion 核聚变
Nuclear fission 核裂变
Tug of war 拔河
Leaning tower of Pisa
Pylon 电缆塔
Unlike poles attract; like poles repel;
Ultrasonic sounds;
Infrasonic sounds;
Stringed instruments;
Percussion instruments;
Wind instruments;
Musical notes
Funnel 漏斗
Wave-particle duality of light 光的波粒二向性
Ultra-violet light
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet 赤橙黄绿青蓝紫
Mirror curves inwards and outwards
Kaleidoscope 万花筒
Periscope 潜望镜
Refraction 折射
Igneous rocks, eg. granite
Sedimentary rocks, eg. Sandstone, limestone;
Metamorphose rocks, eg. Marble
Troposphere 对流层 1-12 km
Stratosphere 平流层 12-50 km
Mesosphere 中间层 50-80 km
Thermosphere 热层 80-300 km
Encyclopedia 百科全书
Waves roll in and fall back 潮起潮落
When a living thing dies and its soft parts rot away
Prehistoric 史前的
Solar system:
Mercury 水星
Venus 金星
Mars 火星
Jupiter 木星
Saturn 土星
Uranus 天王星
Neptune 海王星
Pluto 冥王星
Antarctic Circle 南极圈
Arctic circle 北极圈
Geostationary orbit 同步(卫星)的轨道
Comet 彗星
Asteroid 小行星
Neutrons 中子星
White dwarf 白矮星
Renaissance 文艺复兴
Big bang 宇宙大爆炸
2.10 其他词汇

All-rounded education
Tour gimmick
Follow suits
Conducive social/working environment
Seamless shopping experience
Extort money
Pillion rider
Let up the efforts
Freckle 雀斑
Pioneer generation
Joss paper 纸钱
Incensed stick 香火
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发表于 29-7-2013 11:09:48|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 lazytiger 于 16-8-2013 13:58 编辑



1. 繁荣,兴旺

2. 重新繁荣、兴旺

3. 思想上的灌输
Imbueimpartimplant infuseinstill

4. 期望、展望
Anticipatepredictprecept prospectenvisageforeseeenvision

5. 抑制
Refrain + from);restrainconstrainstunt bog impede

6. 反驳,驳斥

7. 思考

8. 教唆,鼓动,刺激
Spurevokeprovokeinstigate (a strike) incitesb. into action);antagonize

9. 根本的,基本的,重要的

10. 取笑

11. 趋向,倾向

12. 推断,推导

1. Scramble: 1. 努力摸索地前进;2.紧急起飞
2. Racket: 1. 球拍;2. Uproar
3. Hail: 1. Pellets of frozen rains; 2. Signal to stop
4. Utter: 1. complete; absolute2. express in words
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发表于 29-7-2013 11:10:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 lazytiger 于 29-7-2013 18:08 编辑


Bribe vs. Corrupt
Eligible vs. Entitled
Fabulous vs. Incredible
Deduce vs. Induce vs. Infer
Negligent vs. Negligible
Ramble vs. Stroll
Scrape vs. Scratch
Sustain vs. Bear vs. Withstand
Slant vs. Incline
Spark vs. Sparkle
Tally vs. Match
Retreat vs. Withdraw
Instantaneous vs. Simultaneous
Persuade vs. Coerce vs. Threat
Gorge vs. Valley
Shoddy vs. Counterfeit
Poise vs. Equel
Barely vs. Merely
Naughty vs. Mischievous
Putative vs. Presume
Barren vs. Meager
Perceive vs. Conceive
Ramification vs. Derivation
Replace vs. Substitute
Nervous vs. Anxious
Praise vs. Laud
Stupid vs. Fool
Posture vs. Gesture
Interrupt vs. Disrupt
Infect vs. Affect
Respect vs. Esteem
Overture vs. Prelude
Confine vs. Constrain
Force vs. Compel
Relation vs. Relevance
Struggle vs. Strive
Integrate vs. Synthesize
Substantive vs. Radical
Strict vs. Stringent
Differentiate vs. Distinguish
Depend on vs. Reply on
Thorough vs. Thoughtful
Quarantine vs. Isolate
Shake vs. Waver
Lighten vs. Ignite
Blur vs. Vague
Vicious vs. Malicious
Invade vs. intrude
Paragon vs. Paradigm
Grip vs. Grab
Intact vs. Perfect
Meticulous vs. Scrupulous
Peddle vs. Tout
Soothe vs. Mitigate
Scrawl vs. Scribble
Spoil vs. Deteriorate
Ability vs. Capability
Interact vs. Intertwine
Deliver vs. Convey
Job vs. Work
Surface vs. Superficial
Occupation vs. Career
Torture vs. Torment
Feedback vs. Response
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发表于 29-7-2013 11:10:11|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 lazytiger 于 3-8-2013 12:11 编辑



The price is increased by 0.2 percent.
Price rose 0.5 percent in the July …
Their corporate taxes will effectively be slashed from 40.7 percent to 28.9 percent.
In terms of major injuries, these sectors saw a 14-percent drop.
Health sectors account for 13 percent of major injuries.
The latest poll gives the Republicans a 5% lead.
Next year, growth is expected to edge up to 6.7 percent.
A purchasing managers’ index released by statistics office slumped to 53.7 for the month, from 56.3 in August.
The premium for small cars yesterday accelerated by 9.5 percent to close at $69,000
The premium for big cars slipped by 9.6 percent to close at $80.001 yesterday
The Chinese economy expand by 7.4 percent in the third quarter from the corresponding period a year earlier


A 29-year-old man was yesterday acquitted of rape, after a High Court judge found gaps in the complainant’s evidence.
He was sentenced by a district judge to 7 years’ jail and ordered to be caned 7 strokes, then appealed against the conviction and the sentence.
Some protesters have called for the death penalty or castration for rapists.
Six suspects have been arrested in connection with the attack and remanded in custody.
He is now assisting in a Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau probe.
The five adult suspects were charged on Thursday with a range of crimes.
…receiving almost 2.8 billion yuan in bribes
… starts hyperventilating in the dock
Ask for a short adjournment
Plead for leniency
This case will be mentioned again…
Suspended death sentence
Juvenile court
…rather than catch the culprit after the event
When he spoke to Tey about the allegation he faced…
Suspected football-match fixer Amir Suljic was taken into custody yesterday.
Assistant director of SCDF’s purchasing also took the stand
He is fined $12,000 after he admitted one count of …

5.3 选举

The preparations for by-election are kicking into high gear (heats up).
The hustling picked up pace in the last few days of the campaign period, as the parties traded barbs during their rallies.
The participates were also polled on what they wanted to see less of.
Singapore voters don’t have a record of being fickle-minded.
PAP defends its stronghold.
He received only 4.5 percent of the vote, and forfeited his S$16,000 election deposit as he failed to garner at least one eighth of the vote. (Garner vs. Collect)
Fight against the obstacles of democracy; Fight on the strength of ideologies; Fight for the interests of people
I believe that this is a watershed election in many ways…
The SDA’s decision to contest implies our commitment for the long haul.
31,649 voters will head to the ballot box.
Forsake the generation that built the country together
Falter in its purpose
Launch a withering attack (我的理解是没有说服力、缺乏新意的攻击)
Bow out of the multi-cornered fight
It is a very myopic approach to …

5.4 体育

While it will not feature in December’s Myanmar Games
It is a good chance for a lot of young athletes to show up and get to the podium.
If you want to be a champion, you’ve got to work hard and stay on top because a lot of people are gunning for you.
Singapore was crowned Champion in 2010.

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发表于 29-7-2013 11:10:22|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 lazytiger 于 29-7-2013 20:05 编辑


1. yet

The voucher offer a push for those who have yet to try dating service(用于否定句)
Then Albert Einstein brought yet another huge advance in the early 20th…(迄今为止,目前为止)
Yet our planet is at greater risk than ever before;(然而)
…from nails and springs, to cars and planes, to yet more machines.(仍然)

2. default的用法

His car was repossessed because of default of monthly installment. (未付款)
He lost the world title by default. (缺席)
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发表于 29-7-2013 11:10:32|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 lazytiger 于 29-7-2013 20:06 编辑


The irony is… 讽刺地说
By the same token… 照这么说
It was with a heavy heart that … 带着沉重的心情

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发表于 29-7-2013 11:10:49|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 lazytiger 于 3-8-2013 12:13 编辑


National Day Parade (NDP)
Consumer Association of Singapore (CASE)
Motorists who are booked for speeding may be fined up to $200 and slapped with 8 demerit points.
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发表于 29-7-2013 11:10:57|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 lazytiger 于 29-7-2013 17:35 编辑

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发表于 29-7-2013 17:34:58|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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