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[PSLE小六] 有没有主流班的同学拿到RI的CO

发表于 24-8-2013 16:15:16|来自:加拿大 | 显示全部楼层
leooel 发表于 24-8-2013 07:35
   请教一下年轻的NUSH表现如何? 怎么才能出国留学?它不考A ...

对个体来说, 华中和RI没有什么区别。  同意xiziyi的看法,最重要的是孩子在学校的排名,在华中还是RI真的是没什么关系。

华中和RI几乎每年都会培养出A-level状元和无数优秀学生, 但这两所学校也同样有很多人在A-level中一个A都拿不到,甚至有一些孩子在中三和中四时就被学校劝退了。 这两所学校是出了名的“放羊学校”,资源丰富但对学生的学习抓得很松,适合有理想有决心有毅力比较独立比较成熟的孩子。 需要家长老师补习教师监督扶持,心智还不太成熟的孩子进了这两所学校会很痛苦。

去年有一个女孩在博客里写了这样一篇很长的文章《THE UGLY TRUTH ABOUT HWA CHUNG JC》,文章描述了她在华中“悲惨”的生活。巨大的压力,来自名校孩子的鄙视,卑微,无助,像一只小蚂蚁活在无数“精英”的阴影下, 无论如何努力也无法追上别人,这一切让她近乎绝望。 A-level放榜那天, 她左手拿着小一到中学的成绩单(上面是无数的第一第一。。。),右手拿着A-level的成绩, 上面写着BBC/BA, 头脑中是无数拿到全A同学震耳欲聋的欢呼声。 她最后写道:

I had every negative thought about this HC stereotype and for that moment, I wish I didn't exist. I wished I could have just ran away from every single question in my life posted at me, I wish I could escape. I even had friends asking me if I DID NOT STUDY AT ALL for A levels which resulted in my results.

I felt so freaking offended but I can't blame them. To them, I have always been someone who achieve academic excellence because I work very hard for it. If I were not in hc and my hc friend did the same, I will probably think that way too. Like "hello? are you kidding me about your results that you studied for it? your school is like a top school....." blabla yada yada.

In my opinion, this whole "top school" thing is a partial scam. The fact behind all this glory is in selective publication. All you have to do is to tweak the way you present your results. What used to be a 80% distinction rate for H2 Geography now becomes a 80% A&B for H2 Geography. Hey, 80% sounds so great right? Who knows actually if you count distinction alone it is only about 50%? and that'll make us lose face because we prolly lose to our arch rival Raffles and other schools. The point is to not publish your bad results(take GP for an example. Anyone saw a slide that wrote 30% distinction for GP that day?)  than to publish them and allow your own reputation to go down, and allow room for criticism.

This realisation seriously came in too late. Outsiders, or even myself in the past would think that "wow, such results are really fantastic" but having seen the truth behind everything, it all just seem like it's for marketing purpose. It's like we're all invisible to them. The disparity is so great that if the other 600 of us who didn't score at least 3A or above, we can form another school and be ranked last in the jc list.

It feels like I was fooled into this place because I was totally bought over by their marketing campaign of presenting the image of being so fun and everything. Our open house is all so warm and homely, orientation is so fun and enjoyable but when things get real, they get seriously real, and stressful, and competitive, and everything negative, for me at least.

I hope that from this, everyone from other schools will learn to erase this stereotype about us. Because it has been so hard trying to live up to the stereotype for so many of us in here but honestly, there is always such an ugly truth behind an elite education system. Very, very ugly in fact. It got us, even the students fooled till the day of results day.


所以, 这种精英学校真的不是对每一个人都适合的。 我们看到的都是绚丽的表象,看不到的是光环的阴影下下无数小蚂蚁们真正的生活。引用那位女孩的一段话; "So small, so insignificant, that I was almost invisible."

如果真的决定上华中和RI的话就一定要在心理上做好准备,想想我们要的是什么,得到的又会是什么, 还有没有更适合自己孩子的选择。

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发表于 24-8-2013 17:21:29|来自:加拿大 | 显示全部楼层
razorone 发表于 23-8-2013 23:44
@xiyizi: RI和HCI基本旗鼓相当各有千秋,就看孩子的喜好和适合度了,同意。 @刀如水:其实我想了解的是HCI ...

没有这方面的数据。 只知道以前华中说自己是世界上剑桥牛津录取率最高的中学, 今年改成了“录取率最高的中学之一”。 另一方面, 莱佛士今年开始宣称自己是世界上剑桥牛津录取率最高的中学。


录取率如果是RI第一,HCI第二,那NUSH最多是第三,对于人数少的NUSH,这个可不妙。  详情 回复 发表于 24-8-2013 21:25
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发表于 24-8-2013 18:24:27|来自:加拿大 | 显示全部楼层
刀如水 发表于 24-8-2013 17:21
没有这方面的数据。 只知道以前华中说自己是世界上剑桥牛津录取率最高的中学, 今年改成了“录取率最高的 ...

This makes me believe that the difference between these two prestigious institutes is marginal. Thanks for sharing the info.
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发表于 24-8-2013 23:02:06|来自:加拿大 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 hongstar 于 24-8-2013 23:03 编辑

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发表于 25-8-2013 10:35:05|来自:加拿大 | 显示全部楼层
刀如水 发表于 24-8-2013 16:15
对个体来说, 华中和RI没有什么区别。  同意xiziyi的看法,最重要的是孩子在学校的排名,在华中还是RI真 ...

关键是这二所都这样, 去其它地方是不是更惨?
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发表于 25-8-2013 13:21:16|来自:加拿大 | 显示全部楼层
刀如水 发表于 24-8-2013 16:15
对个体来说, 华中和RI没有什么区别。  同意xiziyi的看法,最重要的是孩子在学校的排名,在华中还是RI真 ...




回复了, 在审核。  详情 回复 发表于 25-8-2013 17:45
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发表于 25-8-2013 17:19:09|来自:加拿大 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 刀如水 于 25-8-2013 17:45 编辑
寂寞有害 发表于 25-8-2013 13:21
给儿子看了一眼这个贴。儿子说他看过这篇文章,而且文章的作者在网络上受到了华中JC学生的抨击。大家都认 ...

小蚂蚁能够举起超过自身体重400倍的东西,小蚂蚁是世界上最顽强的动物, 你的儿子A-level一定会考出好成绩的。

关于《The Ugly Truth..》。还好吧, 到目前为止在原文的回复栏里没看到有人"抨击", 多数的回复都是都是同情,鼓励和建议(也有嘲讽,不过都是来自普通学校)。 多数人都明白这个女孩已经付出了最大的努力,她的问题在于对精英一词的误解,对未来过高的期望以及对成功的错误定义。 现摘取几段回复:

1.      thank youfor the sharing; it somehow makes your junior (me) feel much better despite allthe sucky aspects of HC. I guess i started a little differently from you as iwas from NY. Nevertheless, it's not all that different given i still struggledto survive academically and socially. Indeed, incompetent tutors and unfriendlyclassmates aren't helping the situation either... (then again, it depends onyour class. Some classes are really inclusive) you're not the only one who hasto convince yourself daily of the need to attend school. ;) But we have learnt,albeit in a hard way, to deal with life. I truly believe i have become strongerand can now single-mindedly pursue my goal without giving a damn about whatothers think of me. I probably won't miss HC at all when i leave, but i amstill glad HC gave a me taste of how tough life can be. We aren't that bad, yaknow! XD
2.      I'm in RJ,cried when I read this. I came in through RG and for the last 5 years I've beenseeing people crumble from the weight of unfulfilled expectations. Most of usspent our nights crying. The worst part is that this is seen as normal, justpart of the package. It's almost a universal feeling here in RJ that we'renever going to be good enough. It's not just about the academics even, it'sabout the underlying message that self-worth hinges upon your achievements. Evenif people say 'life is gonna present challenges, you just have to get over it',sure most of us will do well eventually, but the damage would have been done.When people look at our good results they see a noble struggle that weovercame, not a one-dimensional rat race and the pointless emotional turmoil wewent through. For those that don't, it's heartbreaking for our efforts to allof a sudden mean absolutely nothing.
3.      Hi there! Whoa you have so manycomments on this post I hope you'll manage to read mine amongst the wholeflurry haha.

I don't know you personally, and I'm not from HC I'm from RJ, but someoneshared your post on facebook and I CAN RELATE SO MUCH TO IT. I think I'm in theexact same situation as you have been. I was always the model student, the"smart" kid, the one acing exams and getting As in primary school.But that changed when I entered GEP, and changed even more when I went to rgs.I didn't want to go and actually I didn't even make the cut in terms of PSLEgrades (I got 254) but I secured a place through DSA. I actually wanted to goto Anderson but then all my friends were going to such schools and so I waslike ah heck just go. I was not happy there. I wanted to transfer to an artsschool like Sota but...that never happened as my parents weren't supportive ofthat. So like almost everyone else in my school I just went on to RJ.

I'm in J2 now, in the arts stream. A lot of my other friends are aiming forthings like med, or law, and most of them want to go overseas. Of course I'dlike to get all As too but then there's this part about being realistic.Realistically speaking, I don't think all As is within my capacity. I'd behappy with all Bs actually, even though some people might look down on myseemingly "low" expectations. Yes my PW was a B too and it was quitepissing cos everyone else in my class got an A, even the slacker in my groupwho freeloaded on us. But I don't let that get to me. I was surprised to findout that my friends from other non "elite" JCs view a B for PW assomething worth celebrating.

Honestly I don't think your A level grades are bad. My maths grades arehorrible; I've never passed in these past 2 years. I'd actually be really gladif I were to manage to scrape a C! Anyway you still managed to get a place inuni right? So that's great! I wanna go to nus fass too :D

Okay my comment is getting extremely long winded and rambly I think I'd betterstop now, you've probably read through comments that have said basicallythe same things I have right haha. Anyway thank you for having the courage towrite such a post despite all the possible backlash and negative comments frompeople who don't agree. It's really so relatable, for me anyway. :)

Cheers! I hope you'll have a better experience in uni than you've had in jc,and all the best in future endeavours :)
4.       ello(: I'm astudent in HC (HS) and I will perhaps offer a different perspective to life inan elite school.

As much as I can empathize with your circumstances, I cannot actually say thatI have experienced it myself. Apparently I am from the other end of theacademic spectrum, and while they seem like polar opposites, I can tell youthat we (or at least I) face the same issues as you but in a different way. Imean, if you feel stress that people expect you to have good results just cuzyou're in HC, it is probably equally as stressful that everyone expects us tohave excellent, record-breaking results. I face intense competition from mypeers everyday because it seems like everyone is getting better except for me.It feels like the stakes are getting higher and higher and we are somehowexpected to catch up without a problem, even when there's no one you can reallytalk to because everyone is a competitor. And when you work really hard butstill fail, instead of encouragement you can see disappointment in yourteachers' eyes. This doesn't help when you are already feeling verydisappointed and angry with yourself.

I agree with you that the stereotype that others have of HC students isterrible. I hate it when people label me as 'mugger' or 'smart' because insideI know that I can hardly live up to those standards. I can also totallyunderstand the feeling when people say that a fail in HC is the same as a B orC elsewhere. But then again you can't really blame HC for their positivepropaganda and publications or whatnot, because which school would want toportray themselves as bad?

Anyway I want to encourage you for your courage and honesty in posting this,and also because I can see that you have really really really worked hard foryour As. I mean, instead of constantly comparing with our peers, perhapssometimes we should compare with ourselves - our abilities, our standards andour past records. From SUD/UD to BBC/BA is no mean feat. Really. And this is coming from astudent who is supposed to score well all the time. Be assured that thelower percentiles are never overlooked. Hehe this post is actuallycirculating on FB especially amongst my peers who are in Special Programmes andit's truly an inspiration(?haha is this the correct word to use) to all of us!:D

JIAYOUS for all of your future endeavours and I wish you all the best in life(:
5.      Chanced upon your post today. I was from HC too, and I know it can feeldemoralising to be surrounded by high achieving people. I was in Artemis, whereall the SMTP peeps reside. Haha. It's like you're a small fish in the big pond.

But when you step back and take a look, you will realise that the world doesnot just consist of elites. Truly, it's in my current workplace that i start tomeet more people who get worse results than you, and i am at a loss of words tocomfort them. 2 years ago, I would have thought your results were horrible.Now, yours are pretty good, and you even have a chance to enter localuniversities.

I know it is easy to get caught up in grades, especially in elite schools andin your future university. But understand that the world out there is more thanjust grades. You have participated in SYF, you have learnt dance skills whichhave much use in the future, even if its just for recreation. Learn to findyour strengths, take pride in it and work hard to train it up!

The last thing i would like to share about is to be appreciative. As i havementioned, there are many others who have scored worse than you. Just becauseyou are the lower percentile of your school, doesnt mean you are that of yourwhole cohort. Also, appreciate your hard work. You have worked hard for yourgrade, and strive to work harder for your next one!

I hope to see you in NTU this year if you are coming! And remember, life isn'tall about grades, it's about doing everything to the best of your abilities,and being proud of it :)

P.S. I didn't like HC too. In fact, I joined the school for the air-con classrooms!
6.        Im from HCtoo and i've scored alot worse than you haha, but on the fateful day itself iguess i didnt feel as dissappointed and faithless towards the elite system as idid not expect as much from it in the first place... but anyways! Take thisexperience in your stride and move on in life! its not all about studying ya knowxD


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发表于 25-8-2013 18:27:31|来自:加拿大 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
xiyizi 发表于 23-8-2013 22:03

我家老大上的英校,感觉他有点遇强则强,所以还蛮适应英校的生活。小女有点随遇而安,所以我把特选中学当作她的DREAM SCHOOL。您可以分享一下,为什么您孩子不适应特选华校吗?特选华校有什么不好吗?谢谢!
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发表于 26-8-2013 08:42:22|来自:加拿大 | 显示全部楼层
4justice 发表于 25-8-2013 10:35
关键是这二所都这样, 去其它地方是不是更惨?

这就让我联想到了那个使人困扰的问题, “做一条大池塘里小鱼,还做一条小池塘里的大鱼” (To be a small fish in a big pond or a big fish in a small pond?)


同意。鸡头凤尾。看孩子的个***。有些孩子喜欢竞争的环境,而有些孩子需要关怀和鼓励  详情 回复 发表于 26-8-2013 09:43
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发表于 26-8-2013 08:55:05|来自:加拿大 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
刀如水 发表于 25-8-2013 17:19
小蚂蚁能够举起超过自身体重400倍的东西,小蚂蚁是世界上最顽强的动物, 你的儿子A-level一定会考出好成绩 ...

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