本帖最后由 专业PASS 于 23-3-2024 17:22 编辑
欢迎光临专业PASS小店! Welcome to Zhuanye PASS store
专业PASS小店创立于2013年,已服务新加坡、马来西亚、澳大利亚、美国、中国香港等考生6年有余!小店提供:ZY PASS store was founded in Year 2013 and has served candidates from Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, the United States, China Hong Kong and other countries for more than 6 years! The store offers:
1. 最新CFA/FRM Kaplan Schweser NoteBook for Level 1、2、3; Part 1 &2的电子版和纸质版, 明年的kaplan notebook预计今年11/12月开始到货!
The latest CFA/FRM Kaplan Schweser NoteBook for Level 1, 2, 3;Part 1 &2 PDF version and paper version, kaplan notebook for next year will be available in Nov/Dec this year !
2. 最新 网课(video Course) for CFA Level 1 2 3 、FRM Part 1 & 2均有货((详情加微信咨询:2425693567) ,来年的最新网课预计本年度11/12月左右开始更新
The latest video session class for CFA Level 1 2 3 , FRM Part 1 & 2 available now,(add WeChat: 2425693567), the latest video session for next yr will be available @ Nov/dec this yr!
3. 最新的官方教材CFA Program Curriculum 均有货(详情加微信咨询:2425693567) (明年的最新版预计在今年11月/12月到货)
The latest official textbook CFA Program Curriculum available now (Add WeChat: 2425693567) (The latest version of next yr will be available @Nov/Dec this yr!
4. 提前预订kaplan NoteBook、教材Curriculum、网课 (详情加微信咨询:2425693567)(每年2月前,提前预定享8.5折)
Book kaplan NoteBook, textbook Curriculum and online course in advance (Add WeChat consultation: 2425693567) (get 25% discount)
5. 新老客户赠送往年的真题、Mock exam for CFA Level 1、2、3; FRM part 1 & 2(电子版、纸质版均有货)
5. New and royal customers will receive Mock exam for CFA Level 1, 2, 3 in past years; FRM part 1 & 2 (pdf version, paper version available) as gift
6. 新老客户赠送道德手册standards of practice handbook 适用当年考试exam (详情加微信咨询:2425693567)
6. New and royal customers will receive ethics manual standards of practice handbook for this yr exam (add WeChat consultation: 2425693567) as gift
7. 公示表(formula sheet) 老客户优惠折上折,买就送 Quick sheet (详情加微信咨询:2425693567)
7. Formula sheet available for all customer, discount will be given. Quick sheet will send to you as gift (For details add WeChat consultation: 2425693567)
8. CFA和FRM官方认证的德州仪器牌计算器 texas instruments calculator simulator (详情加微信咨询:2425693567) 8. CFA and FRM officially certified Texas Instruments calculator texas instruments calculator simulator (details add WeChat consultation: 2425693567)
9. CFA、FRM 词汇手册(Important words) (详情加微信咨询:2425693567)
9. CFA, FRM vocabulary manual (Important words) (Details add WeChat consultation: 2425693567)
欢迎各位考前前来询问,我们的客服定为您耐心解答,加微信wechat or Email :2425693567
please feel free to contact us if you have any queries, find us from Wechat、Line、Email、QQ、WhatsApp
联系方式 contact details: