Dia Clinique TCMedi Health & Wellness - 中医健康养生诊所

2021-08-26 · 19193 阅读
本帖最后由 dia_clinique 于 10-12-2021 14:34 编辑

偏头痛 头晕头痛 肩周炎 手臂酸麻 小儿推拿 热石理疗 肌肉酸痛 如您有以上问题,请与我们联系,我们有干净的环境和专业的手法,也欢迎来电质询。谢谢

Massages can be a pampering treat, but it can also be a huge boost to your health and wellness! Massage therapy can relieve all sorts of ailments.Here are some proven benefits of a full-body massage:

Stress Release:  A relaxing day at the spa is a great way to unwind and de-stress. However, clients are sure to notice themselves feeling relaxed and at ease for days and even weeks after their appointments.Relief from Body Pain: Massage therapy is great for working out problem areas like lower back pain and chronic stiffness. A professional therapist will be able to accurately target the source of your pain and help achieve the perfect massage regimen.

Improvement in Sleeping: Body massages releases serotonin compound.  The increase in serotonin levels helps in sleep improvement.Relaxation: When the body is tense and under stress, it produces unhealthy levels of the well-known stress hormone cortisol, which can contribute to weight gain, sleeplessness, digestive problems, and headaches. Massage therapy has been shown to decrease cortisol levels in the body. This enables the body to enter a recovery mode. Moreover, this form of therapy also triggers lasting feelings of relaxation, improved mood, and reduced stress levels.

Increase Blood Circulation:  After massage, blood starts flowing in congested blood vessels and carries out metabolic waste from internal organs. Most importantly, a massage promotes improved circulation via the use of hands-on pressure, which moves the blood through the damaged and congested areas of the body. In turn, the release of this same pressure causes new blood to flow into tissues. Furthermore, the squeezing, twisting, and pulling action of the massage technique also removes lactic acid from the muscle tissues. As a result, this action improves the lymph fluid circulation, which carries metabolic waste products away from internal organs and muscles. In turn, this results in lower blood pressure levels and improved overall body function.

Eliminate Toxins: Stimulating the soft tissues of your body will help to release toxins through your blood and lymphatic systems.Promotes Muscle Relaxation: The purpose of massage therapy is to target the source of the body’s pain via eliminating tense muscles, increasing flexibility, and providing relaxation to the affected muscles as well as the body as a whole. Massage also promotes circulation to the affected or injured muscles, which increases nutrients and oxygen to the damaged tissues. In turn, this increased activity to the affected sites reduces stiffness and swelling in the muscles and joints, as well as increases flexibility to help reduce pain.

Paediatric Tui Na: Combination of massage, acupressure and other forms of body manipulation; it works by applying pressure to acupoints, meridians and groups of muscles or nerves to remove blockages that prevent the free flow or circulation of qi and blood.After your massage, we highly recommend to drink lots of  water!  Water is what helps the body to flush out these toxins. Massage helps to increase the circulation of both the blood and the lymphatic system. Your blood needs water in it to keep it moving and doing its job of bringing oxygen and nutrients to your muscles, organs and other tissues.

Being Busy at work is great, but seriously overrated!Take a break... Slow down & RELAX!

Come visit us at Dia Clinique TCMedi Healthcare & WellnessBe at ease with our highly trained, expertly qualified professionals Healthcare Specialist!
Swedish Deep Tissue
Lymphatic Drainage
Chinese Meridians
Hot Stone
Moxibustion : Ai Jiu (艾灸)
Ear Candling
Paediatric Tui Na
Addition Body:  Gua Sha (scrapping/scrubbing/cupping)
Addition Facial: Basic Cleansing / Gua Sha (scrap)
And more!10% now for 1st time relaxation!
We are at Outram MRT Station Exit G within 5 to 10min walking distance to 3 Everton Park #01-77 S(080003)
Daily: 10:30am ~ 09:30pm (last appointment 8:30pm)
Call / for appointment now!

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