
2022-11-03 · 2305 阅读
商品名称(Name Of Commodity):莲花胎盘破壁粉Lotus placenta wall breaking powder
配料(Charge Mixture):香水莲花 Perfume lotus
产品标准(Product standard):GB/T29602-2013
保质期(Quality Guarantee Period):24个月
After picking and other processes, the lotus is roasted at low temperature for more than 20 hours, and the aroma after lignification is noble and long-lasting. The broken wall powder exceeds 800 mesh;
香水莲花中丰富的类黄酮、花青素,生物碱,植物胶原蛋白,膳食纤维以及各种维生素;维生素A:VA , C:VC, D3: VD3, E:VE, B1:VB1,B2:VB2, B3:VB3, B5:VB5, B6:VB6, B9:VB9,极强的抗氧化能力,排毒效果,使尿酸没有沉积的过程,同时修复已受损的脏器细胞,效果是: 降尿酸祛痛风;
Perfume lotus is rich in flavonoids, anthocyanins, alkaloids, plant collagen, dietary fiber, strong antioxidant capacity, detoxification effect, so that uric acid is not deposited in the process, while repairing damaged organ cells, the effect Yes: lowering uric acid and dispelling gout;
Strong antioxidants: flavonoids, anthocyanins, alkaloids, plant collagen, dietary fiber, which cannot be naturally synthesized by the human body and are indispensable. The above-mentioned active elements obtained from lotus can enhance the metabolism of the human body and repair damaged organ cells at the same time.
商品名称(Name Of Commodity):香水莲花茶Perfume lotus tea
配料(Charge Mixture):香水莲花 Perfume lotus
产品标准(Product standard):GH/T1091-2014
保质期(Quality Guarantee Period):24个月
Frequent drinking of perfume lotus tea helps to improve the body's antioxidant function, has a soothing effect on metabolic diseases, and has a significant effect on human sleep, heart nourishment, sleep aid, liver protection, detoxification, and beauty.
The effect of perfume lotus on liver protection is also reflected in that for people who drink frequently, it can relieve various discomforts caused by drinking, comprehensive recovery after drinking, and alcohol digestion during the drinking process. The effect is remarkable.
香水莲花活性元素分析,该品种含有丰富的:植物胶原蛋白,槲皮素,花青素,生物碱,黄酮以及各种维生素;维生素A:VA , C:VC, D3: VD3, E:VE, B1:VB1,B2:VB2, B3:VB3, B5:VB5, B6:VB6, B9:VB9这些活性珍惜元素是人体保持健康,活力,抗氧化,延缓衰老不可缺少的。
According to the analysis of the active elements of perfume lotus, this variety is rich in: plant collagen, quercetin, anthocyanins, alkaloids, flavonoids and various vitamins; Vitamins A: VA, C: VC, D3: VD3, E: VE, B1: VB1, B2: VB2, B3: VB3, B5: VB5, B6: VB6, B9: VB9, these active precious elements are indispensable for the human body to maintain health, vitality, anti-oxidation, and delay aging.
Perfume lotus tea: It is made by picking the blooming lotus flowers and baking them at low temperature, which is easy to preserve and drink.


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