商品信息(Commodity Information )
商品名称(Name Of Commodity):香水莲花茶Perfume lotus tea
规格(Specifications):每盒 30 朵( 30 per box )
配料(Charge Mixture):香水莲花 Perfume lotus
Frequent drinking of perfume lotus tea helps to improve the body's antioxidant function, has a soothing effect on metabolic diseases, and has a significant effect on human sleep, heart nourishment, sleep aid, liver protection, detoxification, and beauty.
The effect of perfume lotus on liver protection is also reflected in that for people who drink frequently, it can relieve various discomforts caused by drinking, comprehensive recovery after drinking, and alcohol digestion during the drinking process. The effect is remarkable.
Perfume lotus active element analysis, this variety is rich in: plant collagen, quercetin, anthocyanins, alkaloids, flavonoids, these active cherished elements are indispensable for the human body to maintain health, vitality, anti-oxidation, and anti-aging.
Perfume lotus tea: It is made by picking the blooming lotus flowers and baking them at low temperature, which is easy to preserve and drink.