pls give me a suggestion, which language sch is better?

uiduid LV7
2005-07-29 · 1679 阅读
<P>dear all,</P>
<P>i am looking a for language sch for myself. pls advise me which one is better?Normally i am only able to take the nite course on weekday.( pls tell me the expense when you advise me if you kn.tks)</P>
<P>let me introduce myself first:</P>
<P>i  graduated from temasek poly  and i have started to work already. i can communicate with ppl in simple english. i found this was not really enough for my job. My job requests me to communicate with custom face to face. I want to improve my oral english, also the written english. </P>
<P>so pls give me more details when you advise me .</P>
<P>thanks a lot!</P>
<P>and all the best to all of you!</P>

<P>choices: British council, oriental sch, hanbridge and lingaphone........ect</P>

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回答|共 5 个

散乱的阳光 LV14

发表于 29-7-2005 11:35:04 | 显示全部楼层

I would vote for the British Coucil if money is not an issue for you.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-7-29 11:35:33编辑过]

时间的玫瑰 LV2

发表于 29-7-2005 13:20:03 | 显示全部楼层


MonSapius LV5

发表于 30-7-2005 01:16:12 | 显示全部楼层

relatively ex i guess

小鱼王子 LV5

发表于 30-7-2005 04:11:32 | 显示全部楼层

this topic is not allow to post here

uiduid LV7

发表于 29-7-2005 22:44:56 | 显示全部楼层

<P>how much??</P>
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