发表于 31-10-2007 10:45:00|来自:新加坡
<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>PRETTYjj</i>在2007-10-31 5:05:00的发言:</b><br/><p>哦.很感谢你的详细解答啊....哦..还想问您一下,我现在住的地方是公寓,是个中国的2房东.我跟他签的合同上面清楚的写着包水电,煤气,电话,这些费用.结果最近听隔壁房间的人说他要另外收煤气费.每个房间平分.因为其它房间的人都每签约所以就给他了.但是至今他还没跟我说要煤气费这个事情.请问他有没有权利在我的抵押金里面扣除呢?和约剩下最后一个月的时候请问我是不用交最后一个月的房租了.还是要在交给他之后,他才退我押金呢?他会从押金里面扣除冷气维修费吗?听隔壁的人说冷气是两个月维修一次.可是这个房东从来也没跟我说过.但是我明白一般租房子临走的时候会扣个冷气维修费对吗?请指教..谢谢了</p></div><p>我现在住的地方是公寓,是个中国的2房东.我跟他签的合同上面清楚的写着包水电,煤气,电话,这些费用</p><p><font color="#ff0000" size="4">is he legally sub-let and agree by the landlord? and the 合同 include all this , u need not to pay.</font></p><p>这些费用.结果最近听隔壁房间的人说他要另外收煤气费.每个房间平分.因为其它房间的人都每签约所以就给他了.但是至今他还没跟我说要煤气费这个事情.请问他有没有权利在我的抵押金里面扣除呢?</p><p><font color="#ff0000" size="4">没有</font></p><p>和约剩下最后一个月的时候请问我是不用交最后一个月的房租了.还是要在交给他之后,他才退我押金呢?他会从押金里面扣除冷气维修费吗</p><p><font color="#ff0000" size="4">normally u have to pay until the last day then 2房东 return the deposit back to u , but some 2房东 like to cut here and there , so be more careful [especially 中国的2房东 , singapore2房东 still ok, don't scold me , my own personal experience]</font></p><p>可是这个房东从来也没跟我说过.但是我明白一般租房子临走的时候会扣个冷气维修费对吗?</p><p><font color="#ff0000" size="4">did not mention does not mean it does not exists, the best is make clear with the 2房东.</font></p><p><font color="#ff0000" size="4">the 合同 u sign with the 2房东 may not be legally binds, have it done stamp duty? , to me it just a letter of understanding , which state he rent one room to u , for how many month , how much u pay for the room and how much rental deposit u have with him. if anything happen , the police will not look into this type of 合同, and it not worth to even lodge a complaint to small claim court or get lawyer to fight the dispute.</font></p><p><font color="#ff0000" size="4">my 2 cents worth of thought</font></p> |