<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>HDB出售</i>在2007-11-1 18:26:00的发言:</b><br/><div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><p><font size="4"></font></p>也就是说买方付全部的中介费?除了两次appointment到场签字,不需要自己准备文件么?我查到一个清单,看上去除了两次appointment到场签字还有别的一些事情啊,如下: 1. go to HDB branch and ask for resale document package. 2. apply valuation online using hdb website $10 cheaper. Will take 1 to 2 week to get the valuation report. 3. While waiting for valuation report, advt ur flat online. 4. When buyer call or interested in buying, check that they have bank or HDB loan approval document ready. 4. Prepare the OTP form found in the resale document with 2 witnesses from buyer or seller if the buyer want to confirm buying with a deposit that lasted for 14 days. 5. Excercise or apply the resale transaction with the sellers together online or complete the resale form with buyers together and drop at HDB headoffice with the photocopies of relevant documents. 6. Wait for HDB to send u letter for 1st appointment and HDB branch office to inspect ur house for non-authorised renovation. 7. Go for 1st appointment with relevant document stated esp the HDB deed if fully paid. 8. Wait for HDB to send date for 2nd appointment. Get ready keys, cancel Giro, Conservancy service charges at Town council. 9. Arrange for buyers to inspect the house on your own timing bf the 2nd appt. 10. Attend the 2nd appt and complete the resale. 其中,你不需要做 2,4, 5么?多谢,请指教!</div></div><p><font size="4">买主的agent只收买房的agent费,我们没有agent,就不必付agent费了。</font></p><p><font size="4">至于你说的中间的卖房的文件材料准备,这个你自己肯定要事先备好呀,能online的,都online办了。估价会在你申请后来信知会屋主,何时估价师上门,报告下来,会寄到你家,费用是买主承担。OTP网上就能打印下来。submit是对方经纪去HDB大厦呈交的。,然后就是等HDB的信,通知你第一次的appointment时间,这期间,会有HDB的人上门检查你的屋子,有何不妥,装修的,门窗的,如有不对,要改回去。</font></p><p><font size="4">看似复杂,其实一步一步走,还是很简单。我们遇到的这个买主经纪人也比较好,我卖屋子时,老公还不在新加坡,去HDB签字,老公不能开车送,这个经纪都会来接我去。所以开头感觉好困难复杂的事,一步一步作起来,也不难嘛。</font></p><p><font size="4">算下来,我的卖房中介费就省下了$6000!!!</font></p>